First weigh in &


loves to eat
Stayed the same :cry:so I have a number of questions

Can flying hold weight as I only got back from singapore last saturday 26th Feb?

Does getting weighed in the morning & then at night make that much difference as I joined a morning group & then got weighed at an evening group a week later?

I had 86 sins all week & stuck to the plan. I did start star week today so do you think that could be another reason. I'm not put off the plan I am just frustrated :mad:
Aw please carry on and don't get down hearted I never lose on star week but if you can keep it going you should have a brill loss next week to make up also changing from morning to eve can prob be up to 3 lbs diff even if you not eaten much you would have been taking in fluids all day too

Good luck
I would imagine * week will have an effect (some ladies in my group gain up to 5lb that week!!) and changing weigh in from morning to evening may also caused you I sts - did you eat/drink before morning weigh in? If not weight can fluctuate a couple of lbs throughout that day

Stick with it! X
I am getting weighed at the morning group next week so fingers crossed. I work shifts so am all over the place
I'm usually 2-3lbs heavier at I'm sure you are on track, you just can't see it yet! Next week I'm sure it will be a good one!
Flying can cause residual water retention, so thats possible. Your period too can have an effect. So can weighing in of an evening, rather than in the morning.

So, the bad news, yes, all of those things could have caused you to STS and most likely have.

The good news however, is that next week, if you stick to the plan, you are highly likely to have an absolute corker of a result - and because it isn't your first week back and you STS that week, theres a very good chance of you scoring your first Slimmer of The Week award!

Keep us posted, would love to hear how you get on!