First WI


Full Member
Only on day 4 but am seeing my CDC twice a week so had my first WI today...

I have lost 11lb in 4 days!!

I am so pleased! My CDC said that her best ever was 13lb in a week so if I can loose another 3lb by my Friday WI I will have broken her record and also lost 1 stone in a week!
Well done!! X
Wow thats amazing!!!
That`s fantastic :happy096:
what a great motivator, makes the diet all the more appealing when you see a loss like that
keep up the good work :clap:
OMG that is a huge loss! Well done you. Makes it all worthwhile! x
MissKC said:
Hi chelles, how did ur week one weigh in go

I have my next WI tomorrow which is day 10! Quite looking forward to it as I have been 100%!

How did your WI go?
well done - fab achievement xx
Well done!! xx
Yay you I had my first full week weigh in last night I lost 15.5 am really pleased. Hopefully will have another 100% week this week too x