Flab2Fab - Team 15 Official Thread

dreading wi just made toad in the hole for family and im guilty ate some of the yorkie pud could not stop myself x
Oh poor you! Its tough not to cheat isn't it... But at least you had something nice. I'd love some yorkshire pud! Just get back into it tomorrow - sure you can't have made too much damage. x
hi no dont think i have done any damage as such ie not put on but i could have lost more i think this week, as looks like a pound down, but if thats the case so be it as it will be 3 stone in 3 months, ive got my head into it again and will plod on

hows everyone today

not heard from Kel78 for a while anyone heard from her????

good luck with wi tonight girlies x
kel78 - ?
wannadrop 3st ? - 1lb so far waiting for Friday result

loz1984 - sts
wannabeskinny - ?
ciwti - ?
peachy1982 - ? -2lbs = 0.97
fingers crossed only 2 hours and i will find out if i have done it better of had as i will be fuming really really going to ss 100% for this week getting closer to goal would love to be under the 11s next week only 4 lbs will do that dont think ive been 10 something for at least 8 years, which is when i did sw mind you that took me two years to shift and only 8 years to put back on and more never never again am i going to put this weight back on
Hope your WI went well. 10 something... Oh, that will be amazing! I haven't been 10 stone since I was 10!!! I'm the same as you - I'm never going to be as fat ever again. This is it this time. I know if ever I have kids I will go up a little whilst I'm pregnant but I will be in control.
hi all well ive done it 1.5lbs off this week for 3 stone and a half pounds off in 3 months yeah me!!

Kel78 has pmd and has sts, she will be about but has computer problems

Hope all had a good night
Yay, go you! That's great. I'm hoping I'll have reached 2 stone in 2 months tomorrow, but not sure to be honest. I did so well tonight though. Resisted an amazing eating opportunity - 3 course meal with lots of nice wine in the company of some very prominent people. Kept thinking about my WI tomorrow and how I didn't want to disappoint myself. Really hope for a bigger loss than 2 pounds this week but I don't think so...
well done you thats excellent, such will power, at the moment im looking at pringles, jammy donuts, sausauge rolls etc, someones leaving so left loads of goodies right opposite me, hope you get your two stone hun x
kel78 - STS
wannadrop 3st ? - 1lb = 0.51%
loz1984 - sts

wannabeskinny - 0.94
ciwti - ?
peachy1982 - ? -2lbs = 0.97

TOTAL SO FAR 0.80% with 3 losses in

if i can not update this before sunday am then please add you loss. to work out you get the amount you have lost divided by your current weight in pounds and times by 100

to add the total so far divide the total amount of pounds lost for the team, divided by 561.50 (add your weight in pounds to this total) and times by 100

then please pm irene by sunday pm i will send her this score but would be nice to have some more scores

results need to be in by sunday am

hope your all ok and having a good day x
Hi Guys,
I lost another 1lb :confused: on fridays weight in so thats 2lb this week :confused:
focused now, want to have a better week next week :eek:)
good luck girls, we can do it :D:D:D
dont go fret about a pound off ciwti and wannadrop with your 2lbs, it is sometimes just your body adjusting to the plan, dont give up remember the goals you set when you started and you realise that you are getting ever closer

im gonna do a big week this week really would love to be 10 something might be slightly impossible as need to lose 4lbs and at the mo 2lbs seems to be the norm

just cooked a full english breakfast for family and friends hence why im here trying not to look at the sausages, bacon, egg, fried bread etc sooooooooo neeeeeddddd it xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hay team where are we ?

how was the weekend for u all, i was laid up with flu still feeling rrrrrough, not good banging head ache and razor blades in my throat now, but still at work still spreading my nasty disease to all those who keep telling me its only a cold may they suffer as i have done

hope everyone ok, come on post let us know how you are x
Hi all!

I'm back from my hols - was awesome! Hope you're all good?

I've decided that i'm staying off CD until after crimbo and moving to slimming world i'm afraid. I have too many crimbo partys etc to make getting back on CD worth it :( so i'm giving up my place with you lovely people.

Wish me luck and I hope you all do well! I'll still pop in a say hi!
good luck loz with slimming world, you can do it sorry your leaving us but i wish you all the best and hope you have a good crimbo/new year,

so girls we need to advertise for a newbie, getting onto it straight away.

How is the rest of team 15 doing??, i have been so good for the last 2 days really have to have a bit loss before crimbo, as planning to have a few days off..... but straight back on plan on 27th dec so my break is from 23 -27, im not going to go mad, just relaxed but keeping off the carbs ie, pototoes pie etc, filling up on good veg and meat etc, so im hoping that this will not be too bad for me, but i enjoy crimbo so much you would not believe even got all the decs out and crimbo music on sad i know but its only once a year
Thanks! The same to you!

I love crimbo too! And yes, I too have got the decs out and the tunes on! Gonna have a spring clean and then put the decs up ASAP! :D
hi guys we have a newbie team member MrsR2004 so please make her feel welcome, so our team consists of
wannadrop 3st
