Flab2Fab - Team 15 Official Thread

Hi everyone, I am the newbie. Yay managed to get on a team!

It is only my second week so still very new, I weigh in on a Monday so do you need this weeks loss? I lost 6lbs this week, do I need to let someone know my exact weight? Sorry I have no idea what I am doing.

Thanks for having me x
hi there yes will will gladly take this weeks loss as being 6lbs, all i need from you is the weight in lbs you were last week you can pm me if you wish, or leave on this site,then i can work out the % you lost and then we combine everyones together for a group %, you will get the hang of it dont panic, hopefully the others will be on soon to welcome you

hows everyone today hope you are all ok, let us know x
Hi there wannabeskinny, ok no worries, last week I was 247lbs and now 241lbs after the -6, thanks xx
Welcome new team member! And good luck with SW Loz.

Well, I've had three days of eating which is why I've been keeping quiet on here! But I'm back and focused now. My OT and I decided to go on a break for a few months - he's going through a messy divorce (since before he met me!) and I thought it would be better for all of us if he had space to deal with that. And I can focus on CD without any distractions! But in typical me style, I've been comfort eating and feeling sorry for myself. Realised getting fat won't actually make me feel better so back on the wagon as of today.

Hope everyone else is keeping well. x
glad your back on with us, sometimes when life gets tough things like CD and dieting go out of the window, we are all human, what is difficult is getting back on board and starting again, well done you for taking the first step back on the cd bus!, you know it works so stick at it and keep drinking that water etc, sending you a big hug to help ((..))

hope everyone else is ok x
Thank you! I'm two litres down today already so definitely in the zone. Its freezing cold though isn't it?! Hope everyone is well anyway x
cold most defin just dropped OH at the pub, so stuck in watching telly all night keeping warm next to the fire hope everyone had a good day today i must drink more water i must drink more water i must drink more water......... x
Hey Loz, good luck with SW, pop in and check on us and let us know how your doing :wave_cry:

Mrs---- Welcome to the team, great loss 6lb this week :D Keep it up :D

Citwi... your like me, I have had a bad few days, I was doing great until i introduced food back in (SS+)... i really am all or nothing girl and i am back to it being nothing ;) It does not help i am due on next week :sigh: My CDC called to see how i am getting on and suggested i dont weigh in till Monday, which will (hopefully) give me time to lose... as she knows if i go and either sts or put on it will be a green flag for me to go off the rails completly :break_diet: so i agree with her, so my weigh in this week will be 0 ! Sorry girls :wave_cry:
dont worry wannadrop you know you can do it just stick at it

hope all are ok x
Howdy girls! Glad I'm not the only one who has bad days sometimes then... My WI is tomorrow. I've stayed the same I think - but will confirm tomorrow. Also changed my target today from nine and a half to ten and a half. Two stone to go - more realistic I think. But we'll see!
no harm in changing our minds about where we want to be ciwti

I lost another pound seems to be a bit of a pattern but im happy with losing something only 17 more pounds to go

how is everyone today my day ok but at work but boring x
kel78 - need wi
wannadrop 3st ? - no wi till Monday
MrsR2004 = 6lbs = 2.43%
wannabeskinny - lost 1lb =0.63%

ciwti - need wi
peachy1982 - need wi

Hi all can we please have wi details before sat pm so i can email to Irene thanks
hey guys how are we all doing ??
I am having much better days now, thankfully, sticking to SS 100% :D
I went xmas shopping (again) last night and bought myself a size 14 skirt for work, its a bit neat, but Ok :D cant believe it fit me !! the 16 was way to big, and i know that in 2 weeks the 14 will fit perfect !! its strange buying size 14 and 16 stuff, i cant get my head round it, i wear a size 14 trouser for work, and when i bought them i thought the tag was a mistake, really a 16 but accidently sewn in 14 :p Mad eh :8855:
Hope your all having a good weekend ;)
I stayed the same this week. Happy with that given my cheating but sorry for letting the team down. x
Thanks for the welcome peeps! Sorry to hear some of you are struggling a little at the moment but hopefully things will get easier, you all seem to have done brilliantly so far.

It will be my 3rd weigh in on Monday and it feels like I have been doing this for ages :)

Had a couple of bars this week so hope they dont slow the weight loss down, my belly has been gurgling at me a bit more though, not hunger just loud noises!

Hope you are all having a good weekend x
hi all, good luck with the wi on Monday MrsR2004 im sure you will do fine, i can not live without the peanut bars have one for breakfast, only have that and the chocolate shakes at the moment as the others are a bit sweet

Ciwti dont fret on staying the same, glad your back on track we are only human after all

Wannadrop well done on the move in clothes size, i feel the same but this time i have resisted buying new clothes, my 14s were loose, i have spent far too much on clothes just recently so been on ebay managed to get 4 Diesel jeans, one Replay and two Next jeans for the bargin price of £20, i live in jeans and getting fed up LOL spending all my money on a new wardrobe, so decided to buy up the bargins on good old ebay gonna have to go through wardrobe and list loads to make the money up, but soon those 14s of yours will be loose and you will be looking for them size 12s

hope all are ok and weekend is a good un x
kel78 - need wi
wannadrop 3st ? - no wi till Monday
MrsR2004 = 6lbs = 2.43%
wannabeskinny - lost 1lb =0.63%
ciwti - sts

peachy1982 - need wi

only two scores in this weekend
Hi team long time no speak its awful not having access to the net at home...hope your all well I reached my 5 stone xmas goal so am really chuffed...long way to go yet tho. xxxx
hi everyone how was everyones Mondays

Heard from Kel78 and she lost 5lbs this week which is great

hope she comes on to post soon

Wannadrop you were having a wi today how did you get on?

Not heard from you lot for a while keep posting tell us how your day is, etc.....

cheers x
spooky we sent this together ahhh, but really well done on the 5 stone target you set its brilliant bet you look completly different to when you started x