Food without the angst - Vegan SW

Fried peaches eh? Never heard of such a thing, and I suppose I won't now until at target .... unless I give up. Today was the deadline for filling in the DLA form for my son. I HATE doing it and have been putting it off and putting it off, so today with the excuse of taking the diazapam I have for my sore neck and arm I pigged out on half a flipping cake that was left in the cake tin, F*&^k knows what else and crashed out, missing OH going off to work. I feel really bad about that as when he is on nights he really does need support with me getting food ready for him to take in and eat before he goes out. I've messed up totally and still haven't filled in the form or looked for supporting paperwork

Don't feel so bad :( things can be saved xxx

I'm sure hubbs understands. It's a one off it's not like you do it all the time and you obviously needed the sleep and was exhausted.
Try and get the form done tonight, I know it's easier said than done but if today is the deadline then it's got to be a priority. Don't worry about the cake - tomorrow is another day don't beat yourself up, brush yourself off and start again.

Big hugs xxxxx

Lisa x
I'm doing the form now, it is horrible. I don't want to think about these aspects of our family life, and really bad times in the past. I came in this room to look for papers, diagnostics, the forensic assessment and got distracted by the computer. I know why I'm getting so wound up about it, it's not just the money, it's all of T's history laid there in black and white to be assessed by a stranger, and also them deciding whether or not he does need more care than another child of his age, which he does. Stupid, I'm really crying over this dammned application. Thanks Lisa.
I'm doing the form now, it is horrible. I don't want to think about these aspects of our family life, and really bad times in the past. I came in this room to look for papers, diagnostics, the forensic assessment and got distracted by the computer. I know why I'm getting so wound up about it, it's not just the money, it's all of T's history laid there in black and white to be assessed by a stranger, and also them deciding whether or not he does need more care than another child of his age, which he does. Stupid, I'm really crying over this dammned application. Thanks Lisa.

I know it is very, very stressful :( I did the forms for my mum and also have been on DLA myself many years ago. Being judge in itself is extremely violating and makes you and those you love feel very exposed. Like you said seeing it all in black and white too.
Can you not get an extension date on it and get someone to help you on Monday or go to the CAB?

Lisa x
I could ring for an extension, hadn't thought of that. The local carer's assoc have a volunteer who will sit down with me to fill it in. Have done the prep work with my counsellor but am getting in a real state over this, feel sick - seriously bad, am looking back through old paper work. At least it mostly seems to be here. Looking for his statement now, but am getting so stressed I can't think straight.

Thanks Lisa X
I could ring for an extension, hadn't thought of that. The local carer's assoc have a volunteer who will sit down with me to fill it in. Have done the prep work with my counsellor but am getting in a real state over this, feel sick - seriously bad, am looking back through old paper work. At least it mostly seems to be here. Looking for his statement now, but am getting so stressed I can't think straight. Thanks Lisa X

Put it away - ring Monday and explain your circumstances. Get the cutoff date extended and in the meantime see if you can get to see the volunteer at the carers association to help.

Go and have a warm bath or do something that relaxed you even if for only 10 minutes. Have a nice hot drink and something to eat xx

Lisa x
Put it away - ring Monday and explain your circumstances. Get the cutoff date extended and in the meantime see if you can get to see the volunteer at the carers association to help.

Go and have a warm bath or do something that relaxed you even if for only 10 minutes. Have a nice hot drink and something to eat xx

Lisa x

YES :) X
Hey Micci, just caught up on your diary, I'm so sorry you've been under so much pressure! How are you feeling today? Did you manage to get the form sorted? Being in a lot of pain on top of the emotional strain makes it so much worse, I really empathise. I hope you're being kind to yourself. We struggle with that the most, don't we. Sending you a big hug across. xx
Aw, fanks. I'm back on track and facing the WI tomorrow. More tomorrow, have been having interesting thoughts about why and how, and how not to let it get to you when TSHTF
Put the cream rolls down!!! (If you do I will leave the mint assortment alone)!

LOL, shouldn't have mentioned them should I? I only had two, about two years worth of syns.
Before I go out, I'd like to share this with you. How sad that the majority of women hate their bodies. I don't just say this because of the video on the link I'm about to share as I've seen figures from many surveys.

This is about acceptance, about teaching our daughters to love themselves. From a very personal point of view I know that when I am caught up in hating my body, any attempt at improving my fitness is very short lived. It is only when I am in a state of acceptance and self love that I can change my lifestyle to help my fitness.

Only when I can genuinely take rolls of my tummy squishyness (or mummy blob as my children endearingly called it when they were smaller) and appreciate them and acknowledge if it were not for my over eating I'd have been alchoholic or cutting myself or something else, only then can I move onto making positive changes that benefit my health.

The Story Behind One Of The Best Before-And-After Photos I've Ever Seen

That just had me in tears. Thank you for sharing. Definitely a lot of food for thought there.
That just had me in tears. Thank you for sharing. Definitely a lot of food for thought there.

Oh my, why did I miss that post Micci? Thanks Pinkie for quoting it, I totally overlooked it. Just watched it and I cried so much about it. It opens many wounds that have never really healed. You wonder what was there first. A society with a rigid format of how you have to look or the self loathing over never reaching an impossible standard.
On the other hand, another way to consider it, is that it makes us all equals. So when you do criticise yourself, so is everyone else, ergo you are no worse than anyone else, ergo it can't be as bad as you initially told yourself.

Well, I'm gonna go with that for now anyway.
Yes, powerful images and concepts. Lets say it now. All of us. As appropriate.

'I love my body. It has served me well, it has been with me in the happy times and the sad times, it has walked and run and swum and cycled for miles. It has made and supported children, I have fed them to healthy growth from my body. Lovers have enjoyed my body with me, it brings me pleasure. I love the feel of warm wind on my skin, I love the feel in my body when I snuggle in front of the fire'

My body is aging now but dammit, I don't give up on it, the better I look after it now, the more pleasure I will get from my body.

Thoughts on coping. As I said, I went to my counselling session really really upset that I had fallen back into old habits and spent some time talking around this. My counsellor suggested trying anchoring when in a bad emotional state. I rejected this, when I'm in a panicky despairing binge I don't even want to try to get back into contact with the good times I have used as my anchor.

Then I realised that often, I can foresee that something is going to be difficult. That is the time to start preparing and donning the mental armour. Reminding myself that I have been through some exceedingly hard times before and survived.

In fact, those hard times are a big part of who I am now. Thinking like this makes going into a situation like filling in those blasted DLA forms less of a daunting proposition. Perhaps even thinking every day as I wake about the challenges that the day could throw at me and how I will face them. Eventually this will hopefully become part of my normal habit.

This all made me feel stronger, then I came accross a very simple diagram in a self help book that gave me some clarity.

Imagine a circle with the words, .... bother it, I can't remember it exactly and have just spent a fruitless hour looking through my files for the book it came from .... basically it was a diagram of a very simplistic cycle of feeling bad, doing bad things, feeling that we are bad endlessly feeding into each other. It was a book about breaking free of inapropriate coping mechanisms.

Wherever we are in the cycle, eg, ate more than was healthy, we feel bad, we feel like we ARE bad, if we are bad, we do bad things. That is it very simplistically buut it rang bells for me and made sense of why I get cought up in the binge part of the cycle. I used to binge and fast but have lost my will power to fast now.

There are more explanations as to why the binge fast cycle exists, when we give our bodies too little food our primitive survival orientated part of the brain interprets as this as being a famine situation and makes us do what a subsistance level hunter/gatherer person would do, which is eat as much as possible at the next possible opportunity to help cope with the lack of food.

If we exercise as well, that primitive part of the brain interprets that as running away from danger, couple that with less calories than normal and a binge is just round the corner. Then, it seems, the feeling bad because of binging perpetuates the binge.

Right now, getting personal again, I am feeling very strong, strong enough to go to a group and admit I messed up, see what the scales say and start again. I can't stay for the chat part as my boy is unwell and I need to get back asap but, yay, feel good factor here I come.

ps, having clothes that feel loose and comfortable always helps. I get to a despairing stage when all my clothes are too tight and I dare not wash the only thing that fits as I know that when it is clean and dry again I will have grown more and it won't fit anymore. I can feel better about myself if I am comfortable in my clothes. Wearing too tight clothes as a punishment just doesn't work, however much I try and kid myself.