For those of you who have a 'treat day/day off'...

I always have a meal out every week and have never gained, although I eat up to 5 syns per day which probably stops me gaining. I don't go crazy and stuff myself all day, I eat whatever I fancy and most importantly enjoy it. What I will say is that my night off never includes any battered, fried or creamy food purely because these are foods that I don't want in my body - so maybe look at what you are eating as a treat. Also even though it's a day off, maybe have a healthy brekkie and lunch? But some of my best losses have included a treat night, so there is some method in the madness :) xx

This week my treat day was Saturday & I was going out for a meal in the evening so I made sure to have SW break & lunch but in truth what I ate in the evening (plus some drinks) was probably bad enough for the whole day!

It may be that I need to stick to just one evening meal "off" but I think I'm going to try a few full weeks of sticking to plan, hopefully that will work like it should have in the first place :)
Good luck, it's just trial and error to what you can and can't get away with, but sticking to plan is definitely best :) xx