
I am starting Slimming World tomorrow and have a huge amount to lose. While I was looking at the SW website I discovered Free2Go and am thinking of taking my 13 year old daughter (once I've settled in a bit). She doesn't need to lose weight at all, but is constantly hungry and makes unhealthy choices,spending her money on packets of biscuits and huge bars of chocolate etc.

She's had a look at the SW website and really wants to go. She loves cooking and likes the look of the recipes. I'm really happy for her to come with me, as I want SW to be less a diet but more a change of lifestyle that we can all do as a family.

So I guess my question is, is it ok for a teen to go under these circumstances. She is 5'4" and seven stone.

Thank you:)
I really doubt it as she is not heavy enough to join. However I am sure your consultant won't mind her sitting in the meetings with you, just not join nor be weighed.
Thanks Shelly, that sounds ideal. She doesn't need to be weighed, but I do worry about her. She had 50p change from something at school today and bought two packets of value biscuits from Morrisons on the way home - she never feels full. I'm 26 stone and am terrified that she will end up like me.
Personally I think free2go would be PERFECT for her, as it concentrates on healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle rather than losing weight. It focuses on making 'cool swaps' like e.g swapping a packet of crisps for snack a jacks or instead of getting a mc donalds going for slimming world chips and home made burger with side salad etc. I don't know that much about it but your consultant will be able to explain, there's even a separate booklet for free2go, I'm pretty sure they do also stick to the food optimising it's just a bigger focus on healthy eating/lifestyle than weightloss. I don't think it would matter that she doesn't have weight to lose. :)
Good luck tomorrow!
I don't think free2go would be right for her.

It's all about education, which you'll be able to do once you start SW.

If she spends her money on biscuits and chocolate then don't give her money. My daughter never takes money to school, never has done, so no buying rubbish at school and no going to the shop before and after.

Kids are told all about healthy eating at school, right from the word go, and I'm sure at her age she knows exactly what she should and shouldn't be eating.

I'm not preaching here - my daughter is the same age, height and weight and doesn't eat particularly well, but she always has a packed lunch and I don't have rubbish in the house for her to graze on. She gets crackers and cheese or ham for a snack and whatever evening meal we have, and a healthy breakfast to start the day.

I also think that at that age, most kids are constantly hungry!!!