From Miss Clumsy to Miss Graceful (hopefully!) :)

Grrrr...having a bad day. It started out well enough, but then I got my hands on my timetable for next year - and found out I've not been allocated any new business studies classes. They've all gone to my boss and two of my colleagues. I'm sorry to say I've taken it in entirely the wrong way, and feel its like a slap in the face after all the hard work I've done with this year's classes.

Drinking a small glass of wine now, which is calming me down a bit. Food was shocking again today, I only found time to eat a banana for breakfast again and only an apple for lunch, as we have been interviewing for new house officials and sports captains amongst our students during the lunch breaks. Think we found the right candidates today though, which was great. Had a veggie curry for tea, which was totally syn free and lush!! :)

Hope everyone has had a good day! Xxx
I don't know where the time is going at the moment, the days and weeks are just rushing past!! I need a half term to get my bearings lol!!

Went to WI last night and lost 1.5lbs, not quite the 2.5 I was hoping for to get my three stone shiny, but at least it was a loss, and I know I'll get it next time - which will be in two weeks time as I've booked holiday for next week as OH and I are going to see a comedian next Wednesday evening.

Food has been slightly better lately, still only managing fruits during the day, but at least I'm managing more of them and on a more regular basis than before. Tea tonight was salad with quorn slices and potatoes and lots of lovely veggies.

I've also been to the gym 4 times over the last 6 days so I'm pleased with that, so I guess overall everything is pretty good! :)

Hope everyone is good, xxx
broadsbean said:
well done on the loss, i am sure that 3 st shiney will be yours next week :D

you are sounding really positive.:character00238:

hope you have a lovely day when is your race for life ?


Thanks Hun, I am feeling very positive at the moment, especially since I wore my jeans to school today (mufti day for NSPCC), I only bought these jeans back in march, they are a size 20 from next, when I bought them they were super tight, but today when I put them on they are baggy around the thighs and also almost baggy around the backside area!! :)

My race for life is on 9th June, which is a bit worrying, as I'm still only up to 3k in my training, but hey, I'll just walk it if I have to! :)

Hope you have had a better day today? Xxx
Feeling REALLY good today - got up earlyish and went to the gym, decided I'd have a shower while there so I threw a few clothes in my bag to change into afterwards - chose a pair of cropped trousers I only bought last summer. They are SO big on me, they actually fall down!! I had to improvise and tie a section of the trousers up with a hairband, if that makes any sense, otherwise they would have been round my ankles walking home through town!! :D

Popped into M&S on my way through town and got some new ones, and I'm pleased to report that even the size 20s I bought feel loose, I could have probably gone for 18s but they didn't have any. I tried on a pair 16s while I was there, just for a laugh you know, and they actually fit fine around my thighs and bum, it's just my flabby tummy preventing me from fastening them!!

I have to admit, in my running training I have noticed my legs and backside toning up beautifully, but haven't focused at all on my tummy, so that is obviously the next step!! :)

Off out in the sun now, have a great day all!! Xxx
Feeling rather smug right now, as I've spent all day dreaming of an ice cold pint of cider, but although I have been home since 5pm I've resisted!! That is a huge achievement as far as I'm concerned!

I did overindulge for my tea though, and didn't stop eating even when I was full, so I'm not completely saintly. Just bloated and full of wind lol!!

Hope everyone has been enjoying the sun, I've been stuck in a classroom all day so I'm off out now to sit in my garden for a bit. Sans cider!! :). Xxx
broadsbean said:
stuck in a class room with crabby kids, you have my sympathy:D teen has just arrived home in a foul mood cos collage was hot and he couldn't concentrate :rolleyes:

hop you enjoy sitting in the sun xxxx

Well, I'm quite lucky really as I have air con in my classroom, but as I'm in a computer room I have to keep my blinds closed all day to avoid any glare on the screens from the sun, so I don't get to see much daylight, which is a bit annoying! :)

Back indoors now, the evening sun was lush. Xxx
Ok, don't panic it will be fine. Thing is, I've been out both Wednesday and Thursday night, and today I'm also having a drink as its officially half term. And tomorrow I'm off to London with OH to go to the field day festival in victoria park, so that'll mean even more drink!!

On a positive, I went out with work last night, and a lady who left last year came out with us. I haven't seen her since she left, and as soon as she saw me she couldn't stop telling me how good I looked!!! Also, my colleague confessed he's been watching what he eats after I've inspired him!!

Then today we had a staff meeting, and another one of my colleagues told me to sit with them, and once I protested there wasn't enough room on the seat she told me I'd easily fit as I'm so little now!! :). Clearly she needs to go to specsavers, as there is NO WAY I'm little, but at least it was a nice thing to say and hear!!! :) :)

Hope everyone is good!! Xxx
Oh I love all those compliments :) go you - it feels good doesn't it?! Xxx
I've just had the most peculiar experience!

I made a quorn burger for lunch, which I think are free, must check though, and I had this with a lovely wholemeal roll (hexb) and some cheese (hexa) and some ketchup and lettuce, it was soooo lush!!

I digress, sorry, I was in the middle of eating this marvellous creation (did I mention how much I enjoyed it lol), I'm sitting on the sofa, so I had my plate on my lap, and as usual I'm wolfing it down and start dripping ketchup. This is when the peculiar experience occurred! You see, the ketchup dribble didn't fall onto my boobs, or my tummy, like it usually would, it fell past all this and straight onto the plate!!! I now dribble NEATLY, like my sister, I don't end up covered in my food!! Wooooohooooo!!

The only damper is that it's horrid out there and I'm doing my race for life tomorrow. Brrrr. Then again, if its this windy I might just blow around the 5k in no time! Maybe I'll set a new world record? I might even be invited to join the Olympic team!! :)
Hey everyone, well I didn't quite set a new world record yesterday but I did finish my race for life in 45 minutes! :)

I hate to sound negative, but I was a bit annoyed with my time!! Thing is, I am super allergic to grass pollen, and of course we started off on a really grassy bit and with all the wind taking my breath away anyway, I found I could hardly breathe at all after only 500 metres.

Then again, I did finish (still feel I could have done it in 40 minutes if I hadn't been so affected by my breathing), but hey, at least now i have a time to aim for next year!!).

I've also already signed up for a 5 mile race in October, where I'm going to raise money for Diabetes UK (we have lots and lots of diabetics in my family, both type 1 and 2), so I'm back in training already for that. I'm also thinking of doing a half marathon next year, but then again I'll have to see how my training goes, as I don't want to kill myself lol!!

Back to school tomorrow, which in a way Is good as I've drunk far too much cider and not enough water this week. Back to routine is good sometimes!! :)

Hope everyone is good, xxxx
broadsbean said:
:bliss: 45 mins is bloody fantastic :bliss:

you should be so proud of your self xxxxx I am truly proud of you :worthy:

hope school goes ok and you have had a good holiday xxxx

Aaaw, bless you, and thanks!! :). I think I'm too competitive for my own good sometimes!! :)

So, I came rushing home from work to watch the footie with OH, and he's now snoring peacefully on the sofa!! Wish I had gone to the gym instead lol!

First day back was OK, not as painful as I had expected it to be anyway, apart from a bit of stirring from a colleague, but I'm getting used to that now as this is a game he plays on a regular basis. You'd think a man in his 40s would be a bit more grown up but hey, if he is so miserable in his own life that he has to meddle in other peoples then that's fine by me - I can be the bigger person. For now!!

Just had a lovely tea of veggie sausages and salad, going to watch the end of this game and thinking of early bed tonight. Seeing as OH doesn't look like much company!! :)

Hope you are all good, xxx