From Pig to Twig, Losing Weight for the Last Time!

Hello :)
I have a similar story in the sense I put weight on when I got to Uni! You can do it just pick a target small ones a pound a week or 0.5 pounds a week. Just believe in yourself girl!
So today was my first day back at the gym since before my holiday.

In total, its been three weeks since my last workout. The personal trainer weighed me, and I've somehow managed to lose a pound. I defo thought I'd have put on weight what with all the drinking on holiday and I haven't followed my diet plan for 3 weeks either.

So I'm really chuffed, this has motivated me to try harder. :)

Did 1 hour in the gym and went on a 2 hour walk today. Food wise, I had:

1 x Special K bar
2 x Small portions of breaded cod with sweet corn
Salad with lettuce, red/green/yellow pepper with cucumber, red onion and cherry tomatoes with a lemon juice dressing
1 x slice of my mums home made apple cake, I couldn't resist!

Feeling really motivated. Long may it continue :D
No exercise today as I took a day off, diet was okay. I had:

1 x home made iced bun, made by my mum, couldn't resist!
1 x breast of home seasoned cajun chicken
1 x ciabbata bread roll, with a little butter
1 x small portion of grated cheese
1 x large salad with red/yellow/green peppers, cucumber, cherry tomatoes and red onion, with lemon juice dressing.
1 x can of full fat coke

Could have done a lot better but the damage wasn't too bad considering I resisted one of my mums home cooked roasts!
My diet was rubbish yesterday! I'm really just not hungry in the mornings/afternoons, which leads to pig outs at night!

Yesterday I had:

1 x big slice of apple cake (doh! Thankfully its nearly gone so the temptation won't be around much longer)
Lots of tortilla crisps
6 x slices of wholemeal brown bread
2 x glasses of fanta

Absolutely crap. I need to start getting up earlier, having recently been made redundant and being off uni for Summer, I have nothing to fill my day and I often sleep till lunch time and beyond. If I got up earlier I'm sure I'd be able to eat more in the morning/afternoon, which my curb my night time binging!

Hoping today is a better day. Heading to the gym now. Fingers crossed :)
I haven't updated this in so long. Makes me very sad to see how motivated I was in July, knowing I haven't lost a single lb since then and very likely have gained at least half a stone. I can't be sure, I haven't weighed myself since October as I'm too afraid of what the scales will say.

Another year, another holiday. I'm going abroad with my friends in July. I have a plan, and unlike last year, I'm not going to rush into it without thought or enough time to lose the amount of weight I want to lose. I'm being far, far more realistic this time round.

My start date is January 28th. I'm not starting till then because I'm going away for the week with my boyfriend and I'd only set myself up for fail if I started my diet the same week I go abroad on a trip.

I have a variety of plans made on how I'm going to lose the weight. I don't hate myself any more - I know I can do it this time. I feel so sad reading my (few) posts here, I'm definitely not filled with the same self loathing as I was a few months ago. I'm hoping this will make my plans more successful.

I'm going to be using the XLS Medical Fat Binder tablets this time round, and I'm also joining Herbalife. Herbalife is a meal replacement diet, two shakes a day and a protein rich main meal. There are also weekly meetings similar to WW. I'm hoping the weekly meetings will spur me on. Hopefully the two combined will lead to a steady weight loss.

I'm hoping not to lose more than 2lb a week - past experiences have taught me that the faster you lose it, the easier it is to put it back on.

I won't be going hard on myself with a rigid exercise plan, I hate exercising and despise the gym so I'm hoping a 30 minute daily walk will suffice. I'm hoping that by following a reasonably strict diet I won't need to exercise too much to reach my goal. I'm just being realistic long term, I know I'll do it for a few weeks and then slack off.

As for my weight goal, I'm not sure. I'm estimating that my current weight is about 13st, though I could be wrong. I won't find out till I'm weighed on the 28th. I would be thrilled to be down to 11st by July, which is my *realistic* goal. Ideally, I'd be 10st, and in dream land, I'll be 9st, lol :) I'm not focusing too much on the end result, once I get to 11st I'll be happy. A 2st weight loss in just over 6 months is very reasonable and doable, imo.

I've estimated that if I lose 2lb a week between now and July 1st, I'll lose 3st 13lb :D That's my dream - We'll see what happens :D

I'm going to be a more active member from here on in, I'll hopefully be online most days, I know it'll motivate me :)

Thanks for reading if you've gotten this far, hopefully things will work out better this time round xx
Feeling very motivated about starting, I really feel like its going to work this time. Hoping the motivation continues! Boyfriend isn't too happy about me dieting but I told him to stuff it. When we first met I was a size 6-8, and he knows how unhappy I am now at at size 14. I appreciate that he loves me as I am and I'm thankful for it but honestly, I need someone spurring me on, not telling me to quit before I even start!
Off to Liverpool with the boyfriend tomorrow for 4 days. Haven't had much of an appetite the last couple of days. I don't plan on dieting over there but I will watch what I eat. Think this may be a make or break trip for us :( We're not getting on well at all the last while and I'm losing faith in us x
Thanks for the support, @tylar :D

Things didn't go too great on our trip away, I really feel like it might be the end for my OH and I :( I feel really helpless, like nothing I can do will help.

On the upside, I've got my first Herbalife meeting tomorrow night! Starting the shakes and tablets Wednesday morning. Very excited and motivated, I'm sure I can do it this time :) I'm also curious to find out exactly how much I weigh. Will update tomorrow when I know for sure :) xx
Hello lovely :) just read through ur diary. I really sympathise with how you have felt, I felt it too and still do now evn after losin weight, it's annoying!!

But anyway im here to try and motivate and support u :D you seem like your in the right mind set so stick at it girl!!

How did u get on at the meeting??

Sorry to get about you and OH :( you have to follow your heart and do what u feels right and will make u most happy

Big hugs xxxx

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RawrGirl also just read through your diary, and hope everything (with wiegh-in and OH) goes okay. Will be checking back to see how you are doing. (((((hugs)))))
Well, my OH and I ended up splitting up. It was the right decision, we're amicable and that's the best I can hope for. The break up is the reason I've been MIA for so long. He wasn't happy about the break up and has been trying to get me to give him another chance since but I think this is for the best in the long term.

I'm going to the US next week..With Dan from work. Nothing serious, just as friends. We've been seeing each other (kind of) since about 2 weeks ago. OH and I broke up at the start of Feb. Just taking it slowly, I like how its so casual as a relationship is the very last thing I want now.

I'm very excited for my first girly holiday as a single girl this summer! Will detox for the next week to prep for America and won't be starting any serious dieting till I'm home.

For the first time in ages I feel content. College is good, work is good, family/friends are good, I'm loving the attention from Dan and I don't hate myself any more (most of the time).

Looking forward to being here more..I've missed this place :)

Thanks for all the support means more than I can say xx
I feel like I'm never online :( Not much to report, only that I've gone from 13st 0lb to 11st 9lb in the last 10 days, using secret diet drops. Finding them absolutely fantastic and not at all hungry on them :) Hope you are all well xx