

Hi all i need to have a rant.I got weighed today hoping to loose a pound to get back into my target range.I had been good all week.Not had a glass of wine.Stuck to my sins got on the scales and lost arf a piggin pound.The numbers kept flikering between o and .5 and settled on .5.i could have kicked them across the room.I am soo stuck at the mo.Goin on hols next week and wanted to be in the range for then,but my class is on sat morn.
Sorry if none of this makes sence Ok rant over.
it is so frustrating when that happens. it's half a pound though, you didn't gain, you got a loss, and it's only half a pound away from what you wanted. i think that's a good week. dont get wrapped up in the negative, unless that motivates you of course. it just makes me think 'sod it, may as well have that glass of wine next time'.
I can tell how disappointed you are, as I'm sure you know, our bodies do weird things sometimes, we lose when we don't deserve to, and we gain or STS when we've been good and stuck to plan properly, it's just so pigging annoying.... stick to it, you know it works and have a fab holiday
Its harder to stay in that range than you'd think isn't it? Very frustrating but in the bigger picture how will that 0.5lbs affect things? It might mean you have to pay for a week or maybe you could book a holiday week or if you are holidaying in this country could you attend group there?
You've done really well you have got to target and are only slightly out so as annoying as it is you have your hol to look forward to :)
thanks everyone.Decided gonna be ggod this wekk have a good hols and get down to it when i come back.