

I am just lost in a world of broken self promises and il start my diet on monday conversations. I need to lose weight for my wedding..i dont want to be feeling like a bloated buffalo on my special day..but i just cant kick myself into any kind of motivation. I have these conversations with myself at night and eat rubbish the next day, why can my heart not tell my head to wise up :-( really gettin to me. Does anyone else feel the same??
I want to lose about 2.5-3 stone. I wud be more than happy with that.. My 7 month pregnant sister just came into my room looking a cardigan and ended up trying on a top of mine and it fitted her lol..times are bad!! She is a size 10 but biiiiig baby bump, how many more signs do i need to actually wise up! Lol, Great start to a monday morning :-(
Just do it mia. just start your dieting now! No excuses. go out for a long walk and that will make you feel good about yourself and the prospects of being the beautiful slim bride you deserve to be. then get home and have a healthy protein rich meal. Look at your fiancée and just think how sexy you want to be for him and how sexy you would feel if you succeed.