Owl Gained 3lb over night?


Full Member
Weighed myself this morning and I've gained 3lb since yesterday!
I can only put it down to 3 things... 1) I have had a MIM every day, 2) not drinking enough water and 3) I haven't been able to go to the toilet in 4 days...

Can a MIM a day cause weight gain? I'm going to drink 3lt of water today to try and flush my system out. Any other thoughts?

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Probably just be a blip. I wouldn't panic yet coud be hormonal, water retention or simply a piece of grit under the foot of your scales. If you are following owl and you haven't had carb creep you will be just fine in a day or two.

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I'm hoping just water retention. My carb count is hasn't changed, in fact it was probably lower yesterday than most days!

This is what happens when you weigh yourself everyday lol!

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I'm sure not going to the loo isn't helping - try a mild laxative before you get any more blocked up. Mims can stall people if eaten too regularly but mainly because they're pure fibre and bulk up a lot inside you. Maybe cut back a little?
Thanks for the advice, I havent had a mim since this post and have finally been to the toilet :) however still haven't lost those pounds. I have had a can of coke zero every day and an Atkins shake. I'm guessing it's one of them that's causing the damage?

Also it could be TOFM I don't have periods due to the implant however I do feel the effects around the full moon which is due on Saturday. Perhaps this is why the water retention?
I'm drinking 2lt of water again, maybe I should increase it? I'm still in ketosis and I know I haven't gone over my carb allowance...

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Could easily be totm - im same with ius - no actual flow but body still changes. I would dump the coke zero - shakes probably ok
Lol opps I wrote tofm instead of totm!! Thanks for the advice I'll stop the coke for a while, however I'm going for a long weekend away on Friday with loads of mates, pubs clubs etc. even though I don't plan to drink much I just know I will be kicked out of ketosis, and it took me almost a week to get back into last time :(
Oh well we are allowed treats every now and then, just have to make sure I get straight back on Track when I get home

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well those 3lb still havent dropped off :( ive ditched the coke, and mims. Have gone back to induction and its still not shifting, though im not gaining.
Im hoping its the totm and once thats finished the lb's will drop off again. Still in ketosis and size 10 jeans are getting a bit big for me now :)

Im off for a long weekend to newquey where lots of drink and lack of atkin friendly foods will be avalible will defainly kick me out. so come tuesday ill go back to strict induction. The joys eh!