General WeMITT Thread - week commencing 21st May 2007

I'm definately not at the position to do JUDDD but I'm so nosy I wanted to know what everyone was talking about.

Irene xx
Going away for a few days - hope I'll be strong

Just thought I'd air my fears about going away for a few days to my friend's in Lancashire. I was initially excited and had it all planned in my head. Then I told my friend about LL and she was quite taken aback and said she'd get me some veggies and salads in anyway, and was not happy when I told her no.
She knows how much I've struggled with my weight over the years (we've been friends since 1975) and she's always been a size 8-10. She does eat - loves her food but weight's never been an issue with her.
It'll probably be allright in the end, and I'll bring my blender with me and eat my soups when they eat etc. But it has brought it home just how alien this diet is and how oddly it is viewed by 'outsiders'.
I haven't seen her for about 9 months and when she last saw me I was about the same as I am now - after shedding 24 lbs! So she's not going to see any difference, but I feel it thankfully.
Does anyone bring their soup packets into restaurants for example? What's the response usually?
Oh well, I suppose if I get through my first outing with a close friend, it might become easier when I face the family, work colleagues and other friends.
Why do I feel ashamed to be on this diet? So far I've only told one person and she's in Scotland and hasn't time to nag me anyway.
Hmmm enough ramblings for now and apologies if I've bored you all.