Getting a grip

Just a quickie... Daughter got Bs and is thankfully officially off to Uni to study Biochemistry :) She was worried that she would have to go to a far off university but thankfully she will can stay at home whilst studying x

Congratulations! That's amazing! I did biology at Uni but biochemistry is really hard ..
Well done to your daughter x
Little C has done brilliantly :D

Loving the medals, never thought to ask to look at them earlier.....I'll sort you a silver milk bottle top on a bit of string for tonight's walk ;) xx

Had a great night, cheers honey xx
Little C has done brilliantly :D Loving the medals, never thought to ask to look at them earlier.....I'll sort you a silver milk bottle top on a bit of string for tonight's walk ;) xx Had a great night, cheers honey xx

Do you still get milk in glass bottles Katie?
Do you still get milk in glass bottles Katie?
Lol no - but I'd try and buy one.....I can't eat a mince pie to use the case ;) xx
Another DD today

Yesterday I had a little peach, a toasted muffin, a mugshot and an orange ice lolly so that was under 500 cal allowance. Not exactly healthy but I was busy cleaning and organising still. I rearranged an area in my bedroom and it looks quite nice I think.

Also went a 10 mile walk with Katie. Was fun dodging the cars on a narrow, 60mph road, with no path, lots of bends and high hedges! To be fair, I have ran on that road and knew it was dodgy. But I'd forgotten just how dodgy it was! We survived by talking non-stop :)

So OH is home tonight. YEEHAR!!!!!! Can't wait :)
Gonna do more cleaning,shopping and washing today to pass the time!

Have a good one :) x


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DD going ok

Feel like Cinderella with all this domestic housework stuff. Haven't stopped all day!

So far I've had: a little peach, 2 teaspoons fat free natural yoghurt, a nectarine, 3 chicken drumsticks.

That's it for the day. Just gonna Hoover up the mess I've created then tap my fingers until I go to collect OH from airport! Excited :)

Was in supermarket earlier and saw my dentist. Even the sight of him makes me shiver!

Just catching up with all your news. What a great few days and now your OH is home too. Enjoy. Your room looks VERY tidy (hangs head in shame!!) :rolleyes:
Congratulations to your daughter TH. She will have fun at Uni.

Is OH home for good now xx
Found you an exercise - snogging burns calories, make use of hubby while he's home x


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Here's today's plan:

fast completely until we got out for Indian tonight then try to limit the damage there with chicken tikka, no rice etc. Going to try for another DD tomorrow too.

Reason being is that we are going away for 2 nights to Wales and staying in a lovely hotel. I will be having dinner and breakfast etcbut plus they have a jacuzzi and steam room and I don't want to feel like the Michelin man in a cossie! I want to DD as much as I can before I go.

Going to gym this morning then see what happens later :)

Have a good one! X
Sounds like a good plan for it, have a great day and enjoy himself being home xx
Did spin class this morning then hour in gym whilst OH was doing man jobs around the place.

Then we went into town and had a mooch and coffee. I had black decaf and a bit if his toasted tea cake!

Going for Indian later so I'm looking forward to that cos I'm starving!!!

OH is now putting up a fence panel that had fallen. Bless him :)

Have a good night x
Lol handy to have him around, he'll go back to work for a rest :) x
You've been very good TH so enjoy your Indian tonight x
Just back from Indian...

One poppadom with dips, two little bits naan, mixed tandoori (prawn, chicken, lamb) no rice. Stuffed to the gunnels. No alcohol and the little choc at the end. Was gonna have chicken tikka but caved in!

Not sure of cals but it's not massive. Not a DD but nit UD either!

Well done, that's a really well picked meal, hope you thorough enjoyed xx
Sounds like you made some great choices, well done!

When is your next weigh in? Xx
Sounds like you made some great choices, well done! When is your next weigh in? Xx

WI... I've been thinking about that...

My OH is home for 2 weeks and I don't want to spend that precious time obsessing over food. So:

I'm going to be as sensible as I can, try to have DDs when i can, plus exercise as much as I can.

The point of this approach is so that I don't gain weight. I want to try to STS when he leaves. So I'm going to weigh when leaves.

My last weight was 11 st 10 1/2, so that's what I'd like to be because historically when OH is home I put on 9-14lbs! So a STS would be magic :)
