Getting really annoyed


Gold Member
Y did I come off for vday. I can't get back on. I want to so bad. I'm so close :( ugh I feel like I'm failing.
This was my down fall last summer, worked my butt off and lost 2st in 8wks, came off for my birthday, which turned into a birthweek, 6 months later 2st back on plus 4lb!

Had several restarts which were short lived, back again, only on day2, hoping for the lightbulb to come on this time!

What was your 'moment' for starting last time?

0 lost : 67 to goal
Just motivation really. :( I first started lipotrim last September and lost 1 stone came off it for holiday and kept weight off but couldn't get restarted. Then started exante in jan and was doing well. Until now :(
Mornings and during the day are fine. It's night time when my boyfriend cones hone from work and makes dinner. I can't go to bed early because we use that time to watch DVDs together while the baby is in bed :(
Maybe you could try WS for now?
Because although you'll be having a meal in the evenings it still wont be cheating and may keep you on track if you can cook a meal and sit and eat it with your bf.
I was trying and I and it was working good at beginning but slowly I started adding a bit more and more lol I'm gonna give 100% another go today. 100% thank u.
Hi Honeypop how you doing today? Hope you're 100% successful. Just wanted to say YOU CAN do it. You were doing so well before vday. You can do it again!! Come on I need your motivation!!
Yep, I was meant to have ONE planned meal last weekend, turned into a whole weekend off and now I have my birthday weekend and I notice that the days "off" are now outnumbering the days "on". And I only have 5 stupid lbs to go except that by next week it'll probably be about 10 lbs to lose again...*sigh*

I feel your pain...!! x
I failed. Failed. FAILED!!! Restart tomorrow
Aw honeypop! You can do this, you are SO close to goal, just think why you set hat goal and keep reminiding yourself everytime you reach for food.

I was suppose to have a meal last sunday with my husbands friends for a celebration of them winning a comp. It had been planned since Dec but in the end I didnt go. I too am really scared that if I come off for one treat I wont get back on it.

I also think one of things that makes it SO hard is your SO close to goal, you will be looking and feeling great already, lots of compliments. Its hard to keep that focus.

You can do it though, good luck!
I tend to wait to have my shake after everyone else has dinner, and I normally have a shower or something when they are cooking, or if you can just leave the hosue pop to the shops while there is proper eating going on :)