Girls - Help!!!


Not the nicest thing to talk about but im really confused and could do with some advice! Not sure if you'll know the answer but basically i have been taken cerazette a proestrogen only contraceptive pill and i havnt had a period for 4 months (it is a common side effect) But since starting LL 9 days ago i have started again and they have been really painfull and has been constant for 9 days. Is this normal or should i talk to my LLC?
Sorry for the graphic explanation but i hope someone can help :(!:cry:
L xx
I'm no expert but I'd not just ignore that- talk to your LLC and if she's not sure talk to a GP - never hurts to make sure does it?
Hi Lucy

Same here! I am on Cerazette too and the same thing happens periodically with me. My nurse explained it as something to do with oestrogen being stored in fat cells and when we lose them rapidly the extra hormones can mess us about. It comes and goes but did settle down after the intitial huge weight loss. However to put your mind at rest give your GP a call or your family planning clinic but I don't think you need panic too much.
Brilliant thank you so much for responding!!
I feel much happier now- i was getting worried!
L x

Glad I read this post as I am on Cerazette too and have been on LLT since last thursday (5 days) and did not know about this. I have not bled for about 18 months! will be expecting an explosion!!!!!??????:cry::(:sigh:..Hey Hoe

LLC's exact words: "when it comes to periods on LL, ANYTHING is normal" !