Going for it


Hi folks,

I was a member hear some time ago and I am now back!

I have decided last week that this weight thing has to be sorted. So I have stared a blog and have joined here.

The hard truth it I am 145 kg (ok, I am also 6ft 3" but it is still a lot of weight). My longterm aim is to get to 90kg but my short term goal is to get to 125 kg by the end of 2012.

I started last week (on 21st August) at 145 Kg and as of this morning I am 142 Kg.

I know I was retaining water but I am taking this as a mini success.

I am not telling my friends and family as i don't want all of the questions. i am just going it alone and will wait and see whan someone notices.

I'm not going to a diet club or following a meal repalacement thingy. Did the diet club route previously and yes, it did work but I ended up being the poster girl for weight loss and the pressure didn't help.

So, lets see how it goes. i will try to keep up with this and let you know how i am doing.
