Got my Club 10 letter

"Having an early target to aim for and achieving it quickly is incredibly motivating. Because losing just 10% of your body weight – and keeping it off – starts to bring amazing health benefits to people who are overweight, we recognise this landmark with our Club10 award".

10 great reasons for losing 10% of your body weight:

1. Lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, and lower your need for medication.
After about 30 years on medication my blood pressure has reduced and I’ve been taken off the tablets. I’m so thrilled!
Carole-Anne Mansell

2. Reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you have diabetes weight loss could improve your diabetes control and reduce the need for medication.
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 6 years ago. At my appointment last week my average blood test was in the ‘excellent’ range and my doctor told me that if I could soon come off the medication all together.
Dee Wood who lost a fab 3st with Slimming World.

3. Lower blood cholesterol levels which are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
On achieving my Club 10 I had my cholesterol checked. At one time it was above 8 but with daily medication the level dropped slowly to 5.6. Thanks to my weight loss, when I got my latest test results back I couldn't believe it – it’s dropped to 4.2 and I’ve been discharged!
Linda Sibborn

4. Reduce strain on the joints, and improve back and joint pain.
Before losing 12st 12lbs I had high blood pressure, thrombophlebitis in both legs and every joint in my body hurt when I moved. All my health problems cleared up after losing weight and now I’m more active than ever. Food Optimising is my miracle!
Sian Wembridge

5. Your lungs function better and reduce breathlessness.
My life has improved so much since losing weight. Health wise I get no aches and pains in my joints, I no longer suffer with breathing difficulties and I can walk upstairs without needing to sit down at the top.
Simon Rainbird

6. Improve mood and self-esteem.
I’ve currently lost 2st and I’m loving every minute of it. My confidence and self esteem has soared and I feel amazing. I’m a happy, confident, and healthier person – I’m becoming someone I’ve always dreamed of becoming!
Sam Jarvis

7. Improve asthma and reduce the need for medication.
Before I joined Slimming World my day-to-day-life was extremely difficult. Just going out into the yard left me breathless and going out and meeting people was difficult because I constantly had to sit down or lean on something to take my weight.
Now my life is completely different! I can go to family functions, go shopping or dancing with my wife. I can cycle and walk the dog. Slimming World has not only given me my health back, it’s given me a life.
John King, who lost an incredible 11st

8. Become more mobile, making it easier to be more active.
Before I lost weight I did no exercise at all. Now I run 6-8 miles 3 or 4 times a week, I cycle 25 miles 2 or 3 times a week and I walk my dog 4 miles every day. I’m training for a half marathon and eventually I’d love to compete in triathlons. 6st lighter I have so much more energy than ever before!
Barrie Walters

9. Improve fertility and menstrual problems.
My wife and I joined Slimming World to improve our health and help our chances of having a baby. We’d been trying to conceive for 4 years with no success. My wife had all the usual checks, a blood test and a scan to make sure everything was working fine. I was checked out too and I was found to have low fertility. Since joining Slimming World we’ve lost 3st between us. All this healthy eating has improved and increased our fertility and the best news of all is my wife is pregnant!
Gary Saunders

10. Reduce the risk of certain obesity-related cancers such as cancers of the breast, uterus, cervix, ovaries, and gall bladder.
At 28-years-old, a smear test picked up pre-cancerous cells in my cervix. I was horrified when the doctor referred to me as morbidly obese and said that, even following my operation, my size meant I had a greater chance of developing cancer. With Slimming World’s support I went on to lose 3½. My life has completely changed. Food Optimising has taught me how to eat healthily and those basic rules will stay with me for life.
i got my letter today! woohoo :D it looks very pretty on my fridge :)

im sure i'll not have that much of a problem keeping the weight off- ive already lost 4 1/2lb more, in a few weeks lol. got a long way to go to target so aiming to lose a lot more in the next 8 weeks!
how long does it take for the letter to come through? i didnt even know we got a letter lol. i got my club 10 2 and a bit weeks ago :)

and we get a free week too? awesome! im trying to recruit people to come join up with sw while the free week thing is on, because i dont know if i can afford to buy another countdown :( im selling some stuff to get the money (£20 in the pot, £29.50 to go lol) but free weeks are definitely handy lol

My letter took about 2 weeks to come through, it made my day when it did though!

Why don't you just buy yourself a 6 week countdown? There is no extra benefit in buying a 12 week countdown.
My letter took about 2 weeks to come through, it made my day when it did though!

Why don't you just buy yourself a 6 week countdown? There is no extra benefit in buying a 12 week countdown.

you know what- i honestly keep forgetting about the 6 week coundowns- thanks for the reminder :) i think i will stick to 6 week ones, then i only need to find a fiver! :D
Well done everyone on their Club 10 letter. I got mine last week and was a bit chuffed! I'm a bit worried as mine becomes valid when I go on a three week holiday so I've only got about a week or two when I can use it. Hope I don't put on too much!
Stoffie said:
Well done everyone on their Club 10 letter. I got mine last week and was a bit chuffed! I'm a bit worried as mine becomes valid when I go on a three week holiday so I've only got about a week or two when I can use it. Hope I don't put on too much!

I'm the same, go on a two week holiday next Friday - eeek