Green Eyed Girl's Diary.. here goes nothing! and everything.

Thanks for putting a bit of perspective on it all for me girls :) love you all and all the support you give, I really couldn't do this without you xxx

I'm coming out of the TOTM haze and had a great Exante day today, 3 packs and at least 4 litres of water, if not more. All set for the week ahead now.
I feel absolutely great in my new Zara trousers in work. The old trousers I'd been wearing since 15st so were just crazy looking on me. I feel like, on the outside I'm becoming the person that I already am on the inside, iykwim.

I asked a friend if she would sign up for an 8 week 'learn to run' course with me in the local park, twice a week, starting the beginning of July (after my hols). So we're both going to do that having never run in our lives, we'll be learning along with other 'couch potatoes'. I'm excited :) big decision made and we'll have each other and start us on a new journey and someone to egg us along and make sure we have the basics we need to take it further.

This is a life changing journey for me x
Tried to attach at picture of me at a work event at my heaviest; 17st :( and a pic of me this week in my red skinnies but not sure if it worked!
17 Stone.jpg14st 4.5.jpg
WOW!!! Amazing photos!! Really brings it home to you how amazing this diet can be! Well done green eyed girl. x
Wow!!! Green :) what an amazing transformation you've been through. Not only do you look slimmer but you look more shapely too :) those photos should be all the motivation you'll ever need.

What a brilliant idea getting in to running. It'll make it much easier to keep the weight off I reckon. I really need to get in to the gym a lot more ongoing! Never been a runner tho, I'm a whimp when it comes to cardio!

What a brilliant diary, everyone's recent posts have just been spot on spurring you on, and you've done it, back on track today in your new Zara trousers :D wooooo xx
Awwww Green! Just look at you! Fantastic and so much slimmer - like a new person. Great idea to start running. Unbelievable how well you're doing xx
Just read your diary - you've done amazingly well, I hope I can achieve similar things on my journey. Don't beat yourself up about a few healthy slips - we're all human.

Your pics are A-maze-ing! you wouldn't think it was the same person! Well done :)

PS - I'm a twin - best thing ever! :)
Goodness I just don't see the same person in those pics. Thanks for posting them it's a real boost of inspiration. It's great you are starting to feel like yourself. Good luck for the running, I think it's a great idea and probably the cheapest exercise you can get.

Has as your head caught up with how amazing you look in those skinnies?
Thanks girls, I'm only just over halfway there! I've almost another 2 stone to lose to get to a healthy BMI. I'm feeling great though :) and the difference already is brilliant. I absolutely hate looking at that picture of me at my heaviest, I hate that I even got to that size. I never felt that big, so that picture was a good dose of reality at the time and started me thinking that I HAD to do something !

I do think my mind has caught up with my actual size, I can pick something up in the shops without trying it on and know that it's my current size. But I know I've a long way to go and I'm focussed on getting into the 12s now and then onto a healthy BMI... getting there slowly but surely. I can't wait to compare that big piture to my goal picture. That will be the best feeling in the world !
You're such an inspiration Green :D keep going! And keep wowing us with pics each month :D xx
Homeward straight now Green, you're over half way and look how fast the first half went. You're amazing!
Hey Lady, how ya doing?
I'm doing one day TS and another day of about 1000 cals, I just can't seem to get back into TS full time at the moment. I think after 16/17 weeks of TS I'm possibly burned out... and due a TS vacation :) so I haven't been near the scales for fear of anything negative, but I don't feel like I've gained anything. It's pretty much under control except for the part about not being on TS and eating 1000 cals lol !

I know we all go through this, but why does it happen that I just can't push on and do the next few weeks to the holiday ! I'm only human I suppose. ..I'm good during the day and then when I go home I'm craving normality. I had some raspberries and strawberries last night for the first time since January and I can't describe how tasty they were to me other than they were like a little bit of heaven! I am definitely annoying myself; wanting food; not being able to stick to TS; then I'm in a negative cycle of wanting food, having the food, frustration for not sticking to TS, and wanting food again for feeling annoyed with myself... why oh why do we do it to ourselves!

I am out with a friend tomorrow night for a chinese, so I'm going to stay low cal/carb and enjoy every bit of it, break the cycle I'm in and then hopefully get back to TS after that for a few weeks. fingers crossed !

Hope you are all doing well, I need to have a browse and catchup on all the posts and get some inspiration and motivation from you all xxx
Green this does happen to everyone and I believe that the body is craving real food and is giving us very strong signals to eat more. I suspect that this explains the VLCD practice of having one food week in every four. We need to up calories significantly and also up carbs a little so that our bodies get the benefit before returning to TS.

How you've managed stick mostly to TFR for so long I can't imagine. You've done a magnificent job. Now your body and metabolism would like a wee break! Your body is aware that you've been losing weight very fast and eating far too little. So it is saving your precious life - again.

Have some decent, real food this week and don't WI. Then go back to TS.

I've been craving fruit terribly so I bought some. VLCDs are highly processed. Not natural, not full of fresh goodness. They are a product of advanced food technology. As wonderful as they are many consider them to be 'Frankenfoods'. So have your fresh produce and savour every mouthful.

I'm eating a small, yummy Gala apple right now xx
Now is the time to practice your maintenance skills! Your body is probably adjusting to its new weight. The Horizon program said it can go through a rebellious stage wanting to get back to what it thinks is its right weight. Especially if you've been overweight a while. You've done amazingly. You'll attack the rest of it when the time is right. Just don't undo all your good work like we all seem to do.

Enjoy your evening out. X
Wonderful photos Green. They put all the struggles on this diet into perspective.

We all go through the rebelling stage. I suppose food has such an impact on our lives especially when weight is an issue & as Angel says we have the extra trial of adjusting to our new body images & to a certain extent dealing with the fear of putting it back on again.

Give yourself a break but be sensible, those photos show that you can get to where you want to be x
You're a human being and human beings need to eat! A good maintenance programme and an eye on the scales will keep you from gaining anything until you're ready to do any more TS. Don't beat yourself, you're so far in to the journey, you just need a break that's all :) x
Hi Girls,

I feel ready to get back to the hard work. Yesterday was a great day, really focussed and kept that focus up for the chinese, I'd 3 salt and chilli wings, my absolute fav! and then prawns and mixed veg for main, and after the uncomfortable bloat I had last time I ate rice I just wasn't tempted to do that again. So not too bad as it was an 'all-you-can-eat' set price menu so I could have gone nuts. But I've come too far to sabbotage it all now. Chuffed that I didn't go off the rails and it shows me that I definitely need to plan little breaks from TS to keep myself motivated and practice normal life. God, I just love food !!! And I'm done giving myself a hard time over it :) and ready to get to 12st 12lbs for my hols in 4 weeks !!
I can do this ! :D
Overcoming these eating battles is what shows us we can do it long term :) well done! Xx