
Well done Emsie for not allowing yourself to lose control during a very stressful time!! That's a HUGE NSV! Now take a deep breath, and another one, and some more, and keep distracting yourself until you are totally calm and can deal with whatever it is that sparked it off.

*hugs! You star!!*
Well done.
It's one thing understanding what we should eat. It's another thing altogether to learn about / understand and fight against those triggers for going against that knowledge.
Even if you lost one battle (IF you did!!) - you won a very important inner one today!

I know exactly how you feel. When this happened to me last time I told myself (yep I do talk to myself:D) I wasn't going to let him ruin all the good I'd done so far & potentially gain weight. After all tomorrow you'll be all loveydovey again & if you do give in you'll be mad with yourself for giving in;)