Gym go-ers?

Nicki xWx

Full Member
I've been going to the gym for a while. My trainer has got me doing weights and then 30 mins cardio. I've been eaten mega healthy, grilling my chicken and veg etc. seeing no results what so ever. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Need to lose 25lbs xxxx
are you eating enough? if your working out a lot you need to make sure your eating enough (healthy) calories & fat.

Also you could by gaining muscle before you loose fat?.
when i first started going to the gym i gained weight initially, then it started dropping.

its going back up now as i do concentrate on weight training as heavy as i can physically do. i know its muscle im gaining though so im not too bothered by that gain :)
It will come, dont give up the weight training!, like gina said go as heavy as you can safely for 8-12 reps, toned muscle will not look bad (you will NOT go muscle bound).

Personally i think its as important to look at measurements not just weight. Waist, hips etc.
Thanks everyone I must admit I did lower the weight of what I'm lifting. (I was doing 80lbs on my arms, 100lbs single leg, and 135lbs using 2 legs) I've lowered it all to just lifting 70 lbs. so u think I should go back up again to what I was doing before? I just wanna be the old me again, size 12 with a happy go lucky personality. :-( seems so far away xxx
Thanks everyone I must admit I did lower the weight of what I'm lifting. (I was doing 80lbs on my arms, 100lbs single leg, and 135lbs using 2 legs) I've lowered it all to just lifting 70 lbs. so u think I should go back up again to what I was doing before? I just wanna be the old me again, size 12 with a happy go lucky personality. :-( seems so far away xxx

I would treat the weight training the way a bodybuilder does.. and really you will NOT get muscle-bound, i am a man and eat tonnes of protein and im no longer on a calorie deficit. But i have to fight for every bit of visible muscle.

So with that in mind train so that it is hard to do ten reps of each exercise. Your muscles will only adapt if they are pushed hard.

Its an old wives tale that high reps with low weights 'tones' muscle and that high weight with low reps builds muscle. Muscle only appears toned when there's less fat covering it.

Assuming you have access to a gym id concentrate on big exercises that hit lots of muscles at the same time

Squat, deadlift, bench press, push ups, assisted chins (or lat pull down), leg press etc..

I wont waffle on too much (im mad on my weights now even though i started as an aid to weight loss) but if you want a workout schedule doing please feel free to ask.
I would love that yes please. I got to the gym 5 times a week. I have 1 hour at the gym at a time as my son goes into the crèche so I only have 1 hour a day I really wanna make it count
Five hours is plenty!. Its about what i do nowadays.

This is the schedule i had to lose weight, if any of the exercises are unknown ask, or get someone at the gym to show you, proper form is crucial for safety etc. Always warm up as well (sure you know this but im always worried someone wont warm up and will pull a muscle). Id take 2 mins rest between each set myself..but upto you.

Day 1
Back and biceps

3 sets x deadlift
3 sets x bent over rows
3 sets assisted pull ups or lat pull downs
1 set of bicep curls

Day 2
Cardio of your choice

Day 3

3 sets x squat
3 sets hamstring extensions

remaining of time in light cardio (just a quick walk perhaps or gentle work on stairmaster)


3 sets x flat bench press
3 sets x push ups
3 sets x shoulder press
1 set x tricep kickbacks

Day 5
Cardio of your choice

Thats pretty much the workout i followed for the time it took me to lose my weight.
should say, you will notice ive not added any core exercises (abdomen, oblique work etc) thats because the deadlift hits your glutes, abdomen, obliques, traps etc as well as back and legs, it really is an amazing exercise, the same for squat.. id give a set of hard deadlifts for working my core over a million situps any day...
the only thing i do for the core is planks, crunches do nothing for me at all.
the only thing i do for the core is planks, crunches do nothing for me at all.

Hey gina- planks are definitely a great exercise ;)

I find very strict push ups have a similar effect (keeping posture perfect) and strict chin ups do the same, but have to admit im a huge fan of big compound lifts to cover everything ;)

One thing i notice in my gym is lots of youngsters who spend hours training chest and biceps and dont seem to realise they have legs, a back etc :)
I want to improve my core but struggle as have sciatica (left over from pregnancy) and many of the exercises seem to trigger it. My PT suggested planks - tried a few to get going...well they definitely work the core. Was groaning for 3 days....will try to do more gently from now;)
Hi, I have been doing interval training, my hubby does it and works extreemly well. He has been using a program called Turbulence Training by Craig Ballentine and I would recomend this to anyone, after having done this for a few weeks now. I feel stronger and my muscle definition in my arms is soooo much better.

One of the tricks to his method is to change the exercise you are doing every four weeks as you body adapts to the exercise and you dont get the most out of your work out.

The work outs are only short 30 mins max and only every other day, but they are evil, in a good way, lol.

Stick with your exercise regardless, but definately have a little research into interval training.
Dribbler, I do interval training when I can. Im on the email list for Craig Ballantyne but haven't signed up to anything yet. Is it expensive?