Had enough of regimes!


Full Member
Actually being driven mad by pointing, synning, adding up, anything of that sort!!
So here I am. Decided to eat sensibly and see the outcome!

Not sure I even want to keep getting weighed as it just makes me either conceited and complacent or nervous and disheartened!

Anyway.. Enough rambling from me :) xx
100%. with you! Losing weight on a diet isn't the answer because you still feel controlled and are scared to "eat normally" because you haven't learned how to!! Set yourself free and just eat what you need. Good luck!! X
I'm totally with you eddiesmum! As soon as I know I have to record everything and count syns etc I just find myself obsessed with food! I need to lose a stone and plan to do it by healthy eating and exercise- lets see how it goes!

Good luck everyone!
Ally x
Yes babycakes we should definately buddy up. I am convinced that counting calories/carbs/points/syns is very bad for the mind. Day 2 of healthy eating and i feel great. If I get hungry then i just have a healthy snack. I'm following Jodie Marsh on twitter for inspiration. Say what i like about her but her body is AMAZING! I am tweeting all my exercise and meals on twitter @dietbloguk
I totally agree! It becomes such a stress counting calories or point on a daily basis. Best way forward is just to eat healthy and to always try to stick to fresh food and nothing processed as best you can :) x
Good luck, I'm right there with you! Though I don't even know where to begin, searching for recipes atm :)