Half marathon training

Yey race bling!! Love it. Well done coach :)
Brilliant coach!! How did u find it? What time did u get? How was the weather?

Yes did my 11 mile, feeling pleased but tired. The sun was so hot!! I ran on 3/4 of the route the race will be, so have a good feel for how the race will be. Unfortunately there is a big hill at 12.5 mile!!

Yes have a diary coach, it's under the calorie counting bit, then under diaries. If you look for Shazzabir you will find me, lol x
Thanks Summer and Shazz. Well done on your run Shazz. Yes, it definitely was hot out there!! I did 1hr 7 mins and knocked about 6 mins off my previous time - sorry if I've said that!!

I'd covered the course 4 or 5 times during my training rainings with all the extra mileage before and after so it was reasonably easy. Hopefully that will be the case for your half Shazz if you can do the route again, although presumably you won't get time now?
That's a great time coach, huge difference to your last time, well done!!

I am planning the full route over the Easter hols, so fingers crossed I don't mess my race up. However it will then leave me 3 weeks to recover before the race, so should be enough time?
Have just seen the news about the man who died running Reading half marathon. He was only 30!!! Must have been a huge shock to his family.
Well done on your new PB coach :)

It's sad about the guy at reading half isn't it x
It appears he was a regular runner, who used to go out of his way to motivate others.
Must admit it is bothering me a little, is it sensible doing all this running?? I know it is a rare occurrence, but it still makes you think :-(
You've got to die at some point, might as well be doing something you enjoy :)

Are you a member of the Running Forum? There is a thread going about exactly this and that you can't worry about it.
Where is the running forum?

Yeah I know I need to stop worrying :)
I have found it, thanks Coach. Looks like I will find lots of information on it :)
Glad you've found it. I've only started looking at it regularly in the last couple of weeks even though I joined a couple of years ago!
I am starting to feel a few nerves already for my next half and I still have 4 weeks to go!!!!! Not good.
Probably doesn't help that I am signed up to the race organisers on Facebook, so every few days we are getting updates. Apparently at mile 7 we will get a live band singing to us!!
I think one of the main differences between Silverstone & this race, is I now know what to expect and I now know how hard it was!!!!
As my family and friends will also be there it does put extra pressure on you, although it will be nice thinking they are there waiting for me.

How is everyone else doing?
Nerves are natural, just don't stop and listen to the band, keep running :giggle:

I did a 9miler today. Felt v.good after it. Had a massive mile long steep hill to overcome too which I had to walk/run it but other than that alls good.

Just over 8weeks till my race day :)
You'll be fine Shazz, hopefully this one won't be as difficult as Silverstone and you know what to expect x

Well done Summer, what distance is your race? x
Thanks guys, the nerves are not that bad, just keep popping up. I still have a few more weeks of training and I am reasonably comfortable at 11 miles, so should be fine. Just need to keep telling myself that!

I hate hills...!! You did well Summer. Yes what distance is your race?

When is your next race Coach?