Half marathon training

I've done it too!!
Fingers crossed for us :) x
Wow I am so impressed with you both!!! Good luck!!!!!!! :)
hope you all get in the marathon! :D
October is quite a wait to find out. I really hope you both get in......then the fun begins!!!!! I take my hat off to anybody that can run a marathon. Must be an amazing feeling crossing the line :)

Looks like the race on Sunday has changed a little. The race has 650 runners, with quite a few first timers. Well now a Kenyan with a person best of 63 mins has entered!! I guess we will only see the race lead car when it sets off now, lol.
LOL!!!! I'm so amazed at how fast those lead runners can run! It's just phenomenal!
ive got my half in october, feeling really exited for it now.
Gina I'm sure you said which half you are doing but I can't remember!?!

Shazz, how are you feeling? Hope it all goes well on Sunday xx
its the preston guild half marathon im doing, guild only comes every 20 years so i thought id go for it now while i can, in 20 years i might not! if i can do the next guild run (2032!) ill go for the marathon :)
omg why only every 20 years?!!!
its a preston tradition, bit odd really. not many preston people celebrate it now, used to but not much now
Think the nerves are starting to kick in and all the self doubt. I know I can do this, but my head is trying to convince me otherwise. Guess this it all part of racing, lol.
The weather so far looks like it will be dry, but quite cold. I have run with snow on the ground, so the cold doesn't bother me too much. Rain would make it quite miserable though.
My race is 9am 2moro, so need to put a plan together so I know what time I need to be eating breakfast.
We are going to a restaurant for the meal tonight, which serves normal pub food, so will probably have a steak. I eventually asked my sister if we could go somewhere other than chinese, (thanks for the advice Summer).
Well done on getting the venue changed. As you say you know you can do this so go out and enjoy yourself!! Are you hoping to do it in a particular time?
I would love 2hr 15 mins before the end of the year, so would be happy if I get under 2hr 20 mins on this race :)
Oooh good luck for tomorrow chick. You know you can do it so just relax and enjoy the race :) and good news on your sister changing the venue for you! Xx
Fingers crossed all goes well for today x
Thanks guys!!

I finished in 2hr 11 mins, so very pleased with my tiime. My time at Silverstone was 2hrs 22 mins, so big improvement!! :) :)