Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

Caroline_Louise said:
Oh boo, thats pants :-( I suffer with bad skin too so big sympathy from moi. Have you manage to narrow it down to a particular ingredient? I take so many pills should rattle when I walk ;-) xx

Yeah I'd love to be able to take em but my body hates them. I've tried the cheap ones down to the most expensive and they're all the same :(

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What a ball ache! Oh well hopefully the fitter u get and as time goes in you will find you get sick less, fingers crossed :)
I lost 3.5lbs this week and am feeling ace :) xx
hannata said:
Oh wow that's fantastic CL I'm so pleased for you ^_^ xxxx

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Thanks lovely. I am feeling pretty good and just taking thins slowly slowly. No rushing :) xx
Wow wow wow Hann even more weight off OMG you are doing an amazing job..I've only lost a pathetic pound again this week...note to self, must try harder, less treats!!!!:D
Death by gym :(

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Woop, you go baby girrrrl! Gym means guilt free eating :-D (like my starbar, god bless UD's!) xx
hannata said:
I'm sure I've burned a truckload of calories.... Stopped and took my hr and it was in the 180s!!! I had to stop several times or I would've collapsed or vommed, probably both!! :p

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Haha know the feeling! I vommed the other day but i think it was my anti d's giving me a dodgy tum. Must have looked like a total t wat abandoning my possessions and sprinting to the bogs!
I'm so tired now i can barely keep my eyes open! Need to eat something else too as not had enough for an eating day really. I will shift my ass. Eventually! Xx
Caroline_Louise said:
Haha know the feeling! I vommed the other day but i think it was my anti d's giving me a dodgy tum. Must have looked like a total t wat abandoning my possessions and sprinting to the bogs!
I'm so tired now i can barely keep my eyes open! Need to eat something else too as not had enough for an eating day really. I will shift my ass. Eventually! Xx

Awwwww you poor soul. My anti d's gave me a dopey tum for a while too, I think it's pretty normal. Don't be too hard on yourself lovely. I don't think I ate enough yesterday/today either but I'm not gonna annoy myself over it. I'm not counting for a reason. I'm getting to the stage where I'm enjoying downs more than ups!

Let's see; over 24 hrs I had:

The equivalent of 3 good pieces of bread, with cheese on top
A crunchie
Big bowl of bran flakes & golden syrup (probably the biggest meal of my day)
Cuppa soup and bap
Frusli bar
Only half of the nuts that I posted the pic of, maybe a handful
And a banana

And not forgetting I probably had about an 800cal deficit from my exercise today.

That's not a lot compared to a typical eat 24hrs. I'm still big so I can eat a lot lot more and still lose weight, but I guess I really don't want to anymore?

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hannata said:
Awwwww you poor soul. My anti d's gave me a dopey tum for a while too, I think it's pretty normal. Don't be too hard on yourself lovely. I don't think I ate enough yesterday/today either but I'm not gonna annoy myself over it. I'm not counting for a reason. I'm getting to the stage where I'm enjoying downs more than ups!

Let's see; over 24 hrs I had:

The equivalent of 3 good pieces of bread, with cheese on top
A crunchie
Big bowl of bran flakes & golden syrup (probably the biggest meal of my day)
Cuppa soup and bap
Frusli bar
Only half of the nuts that I posted the pic of, maybe a handful
And a banana

And not forgetting I probably had about an 800cal deficit from my exercise today.

That's not a lot compared to a typical eat 24hrs. I'm still big so I can eat a lot lot more and still lose weight, but I guess I really don't want to anymore?

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Mmmm you eat the best food han! I totes agree with u when u say u could eat more but dont feel like it-madness! But it is a good thing for sure! The book i read recently before starting this diet again puts a great emphasis on creating habits that you want to keep for life and you make them on an eating day (he called them that not up days, this book is literally off of the 1960's!) So you won't eat diet food but don't be greedy, and also whilst still in these stages we are learning about portion control etc, like what is a 'normal' amount to eat. Seems so logical yet so many of us find it so hard! I just constantly think now about what habits i want to form and keep, its good :) xx
Caroline_Louise said:
Mmmm you eat the best food han! I totes agree with u when u say u could eat more but dont feel like it-madness! But it is a good thing for sure! The book i read recently before starting this diet again puts a great emphasis on creating habits that you want to keep for life and you make them on an eating day (he called them that not up days, this book is literally off of the 1960's!) So you won't eat diet food but don't be greedy, and also whilst still in these stages we are learning about portion control etc, like what is a 'normal' amount to eat. Seems so logical yet so many of us find it so hard! I just constantly think now about what habits i want to form and keep, its good :) xx

Totes totes!!!! I have golden syrup on my bran flakes instead of lots of insulin wrecking sweetener! I have proper cheese, proper butter and CAKE. I don't weigh anything, I just try to eat sensible portions 80% of the time! I don't worry about having too much milk in my cereal or a bar of chocolate in the evening. I no longer buy ridiculously expensive diet food that is in all honesty...filled with crap. I make a lot more stuff from scratch now, pizza, bread etc. I still have my bad days but they're so much less than they used to be. Food no longer has control of me. I never realised how miserable I was until it all fell into place!!

I've learned a lot from mental health too. I used to be scared of the symptoms of exercise, as they are very similar to anxiety and panic attacks.. But now I realise that it's fine and I won't die, I can push myself so much more. I've freed myself from pretty much every bad feeling and negativity in my life. I spend my breaks and lunches doing circuits around the office, rather than eating and slumping at my desk.

I freakin love life.


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Sounds like you've got the perfect attitude to all this thats why you've done so well :)

Its funny you just posted your 24 hrs worth of food as I was just coming on to ask you! I've started with your way this week, fasting from 5pm to 5pm and I wanted to ask you whether you just had dinner, breakfast and lunch, or whether you have dinner, breakfast, lunch and another dinner before going into fast at 5pm (hope that makes sense).

I feel like I've eaten way too much in the last 24 hours but no beating myself up about it as I'm still on a big learning curve with this.

For example last night had a vegetarian pie and potato wedges, 2 slices of bread, then a toffee crisp! Breakfast I had 2 x weetabix, lunch was a tuna and avocado sandwich on wholemeal then a cadbury's bubby choc bar (d'oh), and dinner was homemade pizza! Argh. I know thats too much for 24 hrs so will try to reign it in, but I guess really I was interested in how many meals you fit into your 24 hr period.

Thanks and sorry for ramble X
~Louise~ said:
Sounds like you've got the perfect attitude to all this thats why you've done so well :)

Its funny you just posted your 24 hrs worth of food as I was just coming on to ask you! I've started with your way this week, fasting from 5pm to 5pm and I wanted to ask you whether you just had dinner, breakfast and lunch, or whether you have dinner, breakfast, lunch and another dinner before going into fast at 5pm (hope that makes sense).

I feel like I've eaten way too much in the last 24 hours but no beating myself up about it as I'm still on a big learning curve with this.

For example last night had a vegetarian pie and potato wedges, 2 slices of bread, then a toffee crisp! Breakfast I had 2 x weetabix, lunch was a tuna and avocado sandwich on wholemeal then a cadbury's bubby choc bar (d'oh), and dinner was homemade pizza! Argh. I know thats too much for 24 hrs so will try to reign it in, but I guess really I was interested in how many meals you fit into your 24 hr period.

Thanks and sorry for ramble X

Not at all mdear xx

My feed days start at 5pm, first meal is always dinner. On a day where I start fasting at 5 (for example today) I have no dinner, no breakfast tomorrow and no lunch. Always 3 meals at a time. 3 meals fasting, 3 meals eating, etc. (I do also have 6 up meals in a row at the weekend, Friday dinner to Sunday lunch inclusive)

You do feel like you've eaten too much on ups, I still do even now. Part of me is wondering why the scales are going down when they do!! And the other beats myself up when they don't, as if I deserved that for eating so much... Gotta just ignore the nasty gremlin in your head.

The food I posted was

cheese on toast ( last night ) - eat meal # 1

Bran flakes ( breakfast this morning) eat meal # 2

Walnuts ( elevenses today )

Bap n soup ( lunch today ) eat meal # 3

(Banana & Frusli were pre gym carbs just a snack. Only have them cause I know I'll burn off the cals in the gym. If I didn't have a gym day I wouldn't have them.)

Dinner tonight was nil. - fast meal # 1

Breakfast tomorrow nil - fast meal # 2

Lunch tomorrow - nil - fast meal # 3

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Cheers me dear question answered! Makes total sense too, as if I was doing 3 dd on a daily rather than 5-5 basis, I'd effectively be skipping 9 meals a week, so if I'm doing 3 dd at 5-5 it makes sense I need to skip 9 meals that way too. I guess I could calorie count to eek out my eating day calories for more meals but the very thought of it makes me shudder.

I will try to adopt this as from my next dd x
hannata said:
Totes totes!!!! I have golden syrup on my bran flakes instead of lots of insulin wrecking sweetener! I have proper cheese, proper butter and CAKE. I don't weigh anything, I just try to eat sensible portions 80% of the time! I don't worry about having too much milk in my cereal or a bar of chocolate in the evening. I no longer buy ridiculously expensive diet food that is in all honesty...filled with crap. I make a lot more stuff from scratch now, pizza, bread etc. I still have my bad days but they're so much less than they used to be. Food no longer has control of me. I never realised how miserable I was until it all fell into place!!

I've learned a lot from mental health too. I used to be scared of the symptoms of exercise, as they are very similar to anxiety and panic attacks.. But now I realise that it's fine and I won't die, I can push myself so much more. I've freed myself from pretty much every bad feeling and negativity in my life. I spend my breaks and lunches doing circuits around the office, rather than eating and slumping at my desk.

I freakin love life.


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Lovely post han :)
I was saying to my mum yesterday that when we talk about losing weight (people generally i mean) 99% of the time it is based on\motivated by appearance. Im as guilty of it as anyone but it isnt until we get stuck in to a diet (hate that word as this is more a way of life) like this one that we see the amazing benefits that go beyond appearance. Improving out mental and physical health seems to become a real consideration for us lot once we have started to feel the benefits, thus making us want to carry on. I havent binged/ purged or had one 'bad' food thought since i begun again, only been a week and a bit but for me its a big step!
I wish we could send posts from minis to all the people who think they can't lose weight because if us lot can do it, anyone can!! Xx