Has anyone combined SS with Atkins?


Gold Member
Just wondering if anyone out there has combined ss with the Atkins diet. I have been Atkinsing for the last 4 days to get into ketosis, then i was planning to switch to cd. But i am enjoying Atkins and have lost 4lb in 4 days. So i was thinking about cding in the week, and Atkins at the weekend. Does anyone have an opinion about this? I have had many many day ones with cd, so i am trying to find an option that will work for me.

Thanks in advance.
oooh egg and bacon ......seems a good idea ?
Nah it don't work hun... I sometimes have meat if i'm struggling with SS'ing and i always put on weight the next day...
Would do DQ, but its so expensive! Think cd is cheaper! Plus i know that with Atkins my weight loss halts after a while!

I think you've got the right approach. At least you have weekends to look forward to.

Don't go overboard with Atkins on the weekend, keep it healthy. So :

Mon-Fri: sole source
Sat-Sun: CD shake for breakfast, CD Shake/Soup for lunch and have some ham, roast chicken or boiled egg for dinner.

I think one can combine Atkins with Sole Source. You won't slip out of ketosis, but your increased calories during the weekend may slow weight loss, but I think you'll still lose.

Just my 2p!

I thought I could move to Atkins when I was half a stone from goal and ended up putting on a stone! Too much peanuts and full fat cheese for me. SS controls my food and the water helps blot the hunger pangs..I will get to goal.
I thought I could move to Atkins when I was half a stone from goal and ended up putting on a stone! Too much peanuts and full fat cheese for me. SS controls my food and the water helps blot the hunger pangs..I will get to goal.

Peanuts were my downfall with Atkins, I now know that the only nuts I have are macadamias.

As I said before, rather than be clever etc. keep the atkins to purely protein foods rather than eat nuts etc. for your evening meal only on the weekends ....
Thanks everyone. I will ss for as long as i can, then keep atkins as a treat at the weekend. But not every weekend! And i think i will avoid nuts cos theyre sooo moreish!