Has anyone had

Would love and always wanted a boob reduction. They are considerably smaller now but a bit saggy, so an uplift might do..would be petrified I think, had Botox about 6 months ago and am definitely getting that again!!!
i wanna tummy tuck I'll so need one after I'm finished I'm starting to look like I have a fanny gut as well as a normal tummy.Like I have a tennis ball in my pant kinnda think? Or maybe thats just my ball I need to have removed...Anywho I daf want laser teeth whitening botox a la danni minogue and dye the **** ouuta my hair and oh look I'm heidi from the hills.Paul Mckenna would so do me then...oh did I say that out loud I mean I hate paul Mckenna damn voodoo witch!!
FFBB You are nuts hunni...and, i love it!!!
FFBB..Classic as always!! By the way you are sooooo much better looking than that wench from the Hills!!!