Has anyone tried...


Full Member
Has anyone tried mixing the chocolate shake with the orange powered drink mix you can get from exante?
Woke up this morning and feeling a bit low as its only my first week and now I'm on TOTM :( just really fancied chocolate orange after having a bit of the bar :) I like the thought of experimenting with the foods I have so I don't get bored and give up! Any suggestions would be great! X
No I didn't get any of the drink powders!
Is it nice?
I got the pack of 3 for £10 I've only tried the peach so far and it's really nice. You need to make sure you mix it properly though or it tastes like disposable aspirin! I had it with sparkling water and it was lovely :) x
I mix my vanilla and chocolate shakes with coffee and blend them with ice. It's like having a frappucinno! hehe
I've put a little peach powder into a vanilla shake.. kind of peach melba-y. It's pretty good. Or maybe anything different seems good..haha. But too much powder and everything is really sweet. I don't have a very sweet tooth so it can get overpowering fast.
Ahh cool, the mix seems really fizzy so didn't know if it reacted well with the shakes. But as I wasn't keen on the vanilla and love peach that is a brilliant idea! Thanks!
Not a big fan of coffee so all those ideas are out unfortunately! Xx
I tried it...tastes nice :)

Orange with the chocolate
