Have just cheated


I'm so gutted on my second week and have not cheated once . Was feeling really poorly today and hungry have just scoffed down a whole pack of bernard mathews sliced chicken. feeling really sick and extremely depressed
Don't lose hope. I too struggled at the 2 week point but thanks to some kind words on here, I am feeling strong again. Think of the chicken as some extra protein at least you didnt have fattening. I wouldn't think it will affect your weight loss if at all. keep strong and take one day at a time. and use the weight loss so far as inspiration :)
At least its protein, just think of it as a SS+ day :)

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs W3 -0lbs W4 -5lbs
I shouldnt think you have done . Are you on SS if so then its ok as on SS+ with protein and.veg your still.ketosis!!

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs W3 -0lbs W4 -5lbs
Treeza I wouldn't give it a second thought.... I bet you're still in ketosis and even in the small off chance there was anything in that meat which would take you out of it (sometimes sugar is used in the processing of packaged meat) the carbs are so minimal that your body will use it very quickly and you'll bounce straight back in- it's not like when you start the diet and your body is getting rid of days worth of carbs and sugar - if you're going to have a "cheat" and I use the word loosely then you've had about the best "cheat" possible! You could have ate "a whole pack" of walkers sensations which is what the old me would've done :) then you'd really have something to worry about.... Xxx
I agree slim.boots and mmmmm.... Walkers sensations mmmm lok

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs W3 -0lbs W4 -5lbs
Treeza just to add to what I wrote earlier now that I've been weighed. My first week I lost 2lbs... Had been low carving for a week before weigh in- week 2 lost 3lbs and was very disappointed. Both weeks on sole source. After last weeks weigh in I decided to move to ss+ as I wanted to start swimming again and needed more calories. For the last week I've had three products every day- including a bar each day, a can of coke zero and a small meal (roast chicken and lettuce in the week and a two egg omelette with salad on the weekend!) At weigh in tonight I lost FIVE pounds! I'm not saying that everyone would get those results as weight loss is neither linear or predictable and us ladies all hold water at different times in our cycles! I'm just letting you know what is possible and on that basis I don't think your slip up will make any difference- it only will if you let it I.e think you've messed up and throw in the towel... I think you will be fine so keep your chin up x
Well done on your loss slimboots!!!

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs W3 -0lbs W4 -5lbs
Thanks Kerry- was just about to come post ob your thread but iPhone took an age to tell me that last post was successful!
And just sent there too soon- damn phone. Yes I am well chuffed- I knew if we stuck it out the month we would eventually see the results :) x
Bet your chuffed!! Thats a great loss!! How have you found this week x

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs W3 -0lbs W4 -5lbs
Yeah... I knew I was losing inches but it's nice to see the scale catch up too! I've found this week fairly easy because of adding a meal and having the bars. Also, got mix a mousse tonight which I loved. I done some exercise this past week and found it made me a bit more hungry but nothing unexpected x
Ohvery good, the mix a.mousse is.brill
Which.flavour.did yoi try

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs W3 -0lbs W4 -5lbs
Well done slimboots thats really great. You have made me feel so much better. Get weighed tonight so will let you know how it went. oh and walkers sensations yummy if only lol
Look forward to hear how you get on in weigh in :)

SW 13,10; W1-8lbs W2 -2lbs W3 -0lbs W4 -5lbs
I would look to the positive here.

It could have been a whole packet of chocolate biscuits.

Draw that line under it- move on.
Hope your back on track and feeling ok