Have to keep going now, actually can't give up!

In 6 months I should have a BMI of under 30 if I lose 2lbs a week
Only just found this post. I think it's amazing that people are signing up or considering signing up for this. Caroline, I think you did the right thing signing up now, it's great motivation to loose the weight, plus, like you said it's not instant, so you will easily do it. :)

My brother got Luekaemia when he was 5 and needed a bone marrow transplant. Luckily we didn't have to wait for a donor because I was a match. It was quite unusual because he is actually my half brother, but someone was shining down on us. I was 12 at the time, and I happily did it. Since then though I have had a huge phobia of giving blood or anything like that. If I need a blood test I literally pass out for 10 mins. It's not the needles that bother me, its the actual taking of something that is in my body. I'm sure a therapist would have a field day with that one!!!
I can't give blood, and I defo couldn't donate bone marrow again. It just won't happen.
I think everyone that does go on the donor list is amazing, so hat's off to you guys. :)
I have a donor card, so when I'm dead they can take absolutley everything I got. lol! :D

Oh, and my brother recovered after 4 years and he is now 21 and unbelievably annoying!! :D
See it's stories like that which make joining a register like this an easy decision for me and I know I'd do it in a heart beat. One of my friends died when I was in primary school from Leukemia, we were only 10. That was the first funeral I'd ever been to. I know that giving bone marrow is a big deal and it's not an option for some people but I don't have anyone that I have to look after, I don't have kids, a few days or even a week or two out of action isn't actually that difficult for me. I just know that if it was ever me, one of my parents, sisters, nieces, nephews or children if I ever have any, I would hope that those out there, who are a match but a total stranger, well I'd hope they'd do it too. So if I can do that for someone else, in my mind it's worth it.