(",) Hayley's diary, TTFN!

Hi hon hope your little ones temperature goes down - poor little chap. Never mind re chocolate, once its gone you can move on xxx
Oh, hope Berkley gets up tommorow with no sign of todays virus. Take care xx
dont worry about it Haylez, its only one slip.. back on the wagon now and 100% all the way for the rest of the week :) hope your littl'un picks up soon, it cant be helping you worrying about him! xxx
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ah babes sorry about B - hope he wakes up brighter today- and ur not too stressed over it all, hope u have eaten all the chocolate now! wouldnt worry u couldnt possible of consumed as much as i did over those few days - i even feel fatter and its only 2lbs lol - physcological im sure. im sure that u will wake up one mornin soon (maybe today) and have just decided u have had enough choc and be ready to get back to it - until then dont fret its a tiny slip and u can recover from it whenever ur ready - i must say u must be a choccy monster cos im totally sick of it after stuffing my face all weekend - give me a bowl of strawberries anytime!! hey try that - sweet alternatives that arent gonna harm your loss - stock up on yummy fruit?

good luck getting back in the zone and hope b feels bit better xxx
Hiya Howz little one today? And how are you did u get much sleep and have u managed to steer clear of the choccy today x
Good evening,

Thanks for all your kind words and support it is really appreicated :O)
B is still poorly :O(. One minute he is lying on the sofa feverish the next he gets a burst of energy or forgets he is unwell, strange little chappy. Slept til 4.45 this morning though so it could have been worse. I'll see how he is in the morning as to another visit to the doctors. Think I may book myself in also, Still not feeling 100% throat, back of my neck and ear still playing up. We're all falling apart here lol...

You will all be pleased to know I haven't cracked open another easter egg, wooo hooo. I did have 2 mini whippy whirl thingys from tesco. Don't hold out much hope this week but I'm trying hard for a sts.
Haven't been up to anything exciting, laying around watching peppa pig lol.... I'm off to bed shortly zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Good luck to those of you that WI tomorrow.

Thank you again for your words of encouragment. Night Night xx
Thanks Fuzzy, Not been up to much again today :O( B has slept on and off and is in bed now. Fever has gone, fingers crossed. Hopefully things should start improving. It'll be good to get back to normal.

I'm off to my ma's for the weekend as Hubby working. Weigh in tom so i'll post my results before I go...

Hope you all have a fab weekend, good luck for WIs. xx
hi hayls, hope u and b feelin more perky and u had a better day hun. have a fab time at your mums and good luck with ur WI tomorro - got my fingers corssed ur choccie binge affected u less than it did me!! xx
hey you, hope you are both feeling better and on the mend now - hope you have a lovely time at your ma's and that you have a good result in the morning. take care of yourself xxx
Hiya hayley,good luck for WI tomoz.
Hope B is feeling better,its awful when they have a temperature!!
Have a lovely weekend at your mums xx
good luck for this morning chuck :) xxx
Well I never, I've only gone and lost 1ib, Go figure! I don't deserve to this week so maybe it was from the previous week if that makes sense? It's given me the boost I need to work extra hard for next week. I don't want the same pattern, lose, sts to happen. Plus I want a silver 7!

Thank you all sooooooo much for the support, I love this site.
Well the sun is shining and I may see if B will let me turn on Maya before we head over to Ma's.

Hope you all have a supa dupa sun shining weekend!
Will try and get on later to catch up. xxxx
well done Haylez! brilliant! :D xxx
Thanks Rachael xx
Aww hayley thats great news.:D
Hope B is alot better today,im sure he would join in if you get maya on doing the moves.
Thanks for the rep xx :)
Well done Hayley ;o)

Sometimes when we get out of routine (not always) it helps are metabolism - good luck for this coming week. Have a gr8 wk end xxx