heading for a gain *cry*


Gold Member
So tueaday i was 100%...then wednesday was my stepson birthday so.i.made him a cake. Which i had.some. And we did pizza hut. I wasnt behaved. Then thursday we were naughty all day. And all day yesterday :,(

Am gonna try be good now. Eat as much ss food and s food n no or low syns.

Just hope i cam rake a sts :(

Start:: 217lb current:: 213.5lb...Goal:: 154lb 59.5lb to go!! club10 goal 195lb 18.5lb to go!!
Do you know what - sometimes life gets in the way!! There are always going to be times when we indulge.

take a deep breath and move on. You can't change the past so just make sure today and tomorrow and the day after you are eating healthy. I'm just re-starting my journey so this is jsut as much a pep talk for me as you!!
Today is a new day, so is tomorrow... put it behind you and start again. Dwelling will make it so much worse and could lead to you just saying 'ah **** it'. We all have off days, just keep remembering why you're doing this and it'll you'll do it. Good luck with WI xxxx