Hello All!

Hello everyone!

I've been lingering on this site for a while and thought I'd finally introduce myself.

My name is Nadia, currently living in Dubai but I'm British/Libyan. Much like all of you here, I'm trying to live a healthy lifestyle and loose some weight and definitely need support!!

In the past 5 years I've lost a good amount of weight, around 30 kilos from Muay Thai (even went as far as competing in 3 fights) but for the past year my weight has been going up.. slowly. Probably has something to do with meeting my partner and being happy! He does love to feed me! Sadly I just don't fit into any of my favourite clothes anymore so i'm on a mission! I've packed all my favourite clothes in a suitcase and vowed not to open it until 25th of November (my birthday) if it fits, great, if it doesn't then all of it will go to charity! So I definitely need support!

So just wanted to say hi! and hopefully you'll see much more of me around! :)

N. xx