Hello, Hello.

Hey there! So I thought I would join up so I can have some online support for when I start SW next week.

I'm 23, been a big girl all my life and whilst I am mostly happy and confident (size 22) I do want to improve my health and not drop down dead any time soon. Morbid, but true.

I have a somewhat active lifestyle as my job involves lots of walking but I just need to change my mindset on the way I eat.

I'm really looking forward to this but if anyone has any tips/tricks that would be really helpful!

Hiya, I would say for Slimming World the most important things are sitting and reading all the info you get before you start, at first it seems a bit confusing that you can eat all this food and still lose weight but you can! Secondly make sure you measure your healthy extras (Bread, cereal, cheese, milk, etc.) if you don't you won't lose as quick. I've also found on slimming world the more you eat the more you lose, so snacking on fruit will help your weight loss. Good luck! I've just restarted as I lost lots of weight with slimming world before my wedding then we moved to Australia and I've found it harder to make healthy choices here, so I've gained lots of weight back. I'm determined this time so hope it goes well!

Good luck again
Everyone keeps telling me this 'the more you eat' thing and it's so mind boggling that things like Super Noodles and pasta are FREE. o_o Plus I love fruit but everyone (when I used to diet at home) used to lecture me on the sugar intake and what not so that's good to hear that fruit and veg are free too.

What is the deal with healthy extras? I've been browsing the boards and making a list of recipes/things I like etc but didn't know what that meant. I know I'll find out all about it when I join but it's like a week and a half away and I can't wait! :D

Good luck to you too.
Hiya healthy extras are basically the only things (other than syns) which you are limited on. I can only explain about extra easy cause that's the plan I do, but on the others I think you get a higher allowance of healthy extras. So HE A's are mostly dairy eg. cheese & milk. These have to be weighed and measured, you will be told the allowances at group but basically the lower fat the HE A is the more of it you can have, ie swapping full fat cheddar for low fat. HE B are fibre eg breads, Tinned soups, Cereal. I usually use mine for cereal - the book gives you some quick no-weigh options like 2 weetabix is 1 HE B or 2 alpen light bars is 1 HE B. But these are what you have to be careful with and make sure you are having the right amount, it will dramatically affect your weight loss if you are just guessing. My sw consultant in the UK told me it was extra important to make sure you have the HE A's as they help your weight loss! Hope that helps and I haven't confused you more. I would wait until you go to group to start otherwise you might be half doing it right, it's best to read the books then go shopping and do a list or a meal plan. If I didn't do a plan for my main meals each week I would probably not lose much because I go out or eat the wrong things, also I find you end up wasting loads of food. I'm back to planning my meals and hopefully it'll pay off.
I'm off to make sw curry for dinner now.
I'm not doing it till I join just trying to grasp things as I know it can be a lot to take in at first. I think I'll be planning meals though as it seems an easier way of doing things firstly but also as you say, no wastage hopefully. I'm really excited though.
I think your doing the right thing by joining this site for sure. Great motivation place! Also very good idea to get to grips with any diet and duly understand it before you start. Good luck
Absolutely I think that's great! Oh I forgot to say you should definitely measure yourself, everyone always says it and I had never done it before until I started this time, I couldn't be bothered/didn't want to know. I measured myself this time (in cms) at the beginning and just measured myself as I started the 30 day shred today and wanna see how well I do. So I started slimming world on the 24th July 2012 and have lost 16cm so far (around 6 inches) all over. I measured calves, thighs (eughhh!! worst bit), belly button (stomach) waist (skinniest part), boobs and arms. I lost nearly a cm off each in 2 weeks. I feel better today because I know that, even though I don't think I'll have a great loss on the scales this week. It's definitely helping my motivation being on this site as well. Let me know how it goes when you start. They will give you a food diary as well when you start, make sure you fill it in it is very important cause the consultant can take it back and tell you if you can improve anything for better weightloss. Good luck on your journey! :)
Thanks for all your replies, definitely taking it all in! :) And I will be taking photos/measurements before I start. Looking forward to having support at group and at home via this forum! :)
I am joining too next week, so good luck hun, it falls into place as the days and weeks go on xx