Hello... I'm back!

I've put on a lot of weight :(
I had an operation in March (of which I'm still recovering from) and because I've been in hospital and in and out of the nurses office (everyday for over 2 months!!!) I've been weighed... A LOT. I feel disgusting and horrible and just depressed really.

I started changing my diet about 3 weeks ish ago (paying more attention to calories) and lost a substantial amount of weight 11lbs actually :confused: I know that I'm coming under my calorie goal (suggested by MFP) but I can't force myself to eat anymore - I'm not sure if it's a mental thing (I'm forcing myself not to eat very much) or physically (I'm just not hungry). I know it's bad and I know in the long term it's going to ruin my weight loss I just can't at the moment bring myself to eat any more.

I'm planning to go the gym soon (if the doctors agree it's safe) with my sister - although I'm really worried and upset and embarrassed by my fitness level.. I don't want people to look at me and laugh.

I'm hoping I can find some like minded people to talk to encourage (and be encouraged) as I don't tend to get out much at the moment and I just need a push!

(sorry for depressing you all lol!!)
Hi...I think deciding to do something is about weight gain is the hardest part I've recently had a wake up call and need to lose 3 stone!
When you do go to the gym don't worry about what others think of you as I'm sure they are too concerned about what others think about THEM!
Good luck and I hope your recovery is going well :)

People at the gym are there to do the same as you. Maybe at the start of their journey they had the same issues, even if not think about it this way. You are there, you have gotten off the sofa and gone. That is awesome! and you will always out lap the people who have not left the house. I agree with shelbelly, they will be worrying about what people think of them too much to notice other people.

Maybe a multi bit would be good if you are not able to force yourself to eat more. Or meal replacement drinks. I know with cambridge you do loose around a stone a month depending on the step your on. Your bmi can stop you going onto the shake only first step of the diet. But what then happens, is you get your 100% of daily vitamins and minerals from the shakes, you drink loads of water and you then have a small meal, or maybe two small meals a day.

Good luck with your goals. :)

Don't worry about going to the gym everybody is too busy doing their own thing to notice what your doing or look like.
i have a lot to loose and find no problem going to my local gym and find the instructors really helpful. Once you have taken the first step hopefully you will be reassured.

I have just downloaded the couch to 5k app for my iphone and have to say that although i am only on week one day two I can highly recommend it as you can do it in your own time and at your own pace. Whilst you could do it on treadmill in the gym it's good to be outside in this lovely weather. It's also flexible as its only half an hour in duration so is easier to fit in the three sessions a week.

Anyway best of luck!