Hello, Just joined looking for support!


Full Member
Hey my name is Sarah

I'm 23 I have been struggling with my weight ever since i left school, it went from 10st 5lb when I was 18 and since then I have ballooned, and currently weigh 16st 5lb.

I have lost all the confidence that I used to have, I hardly go out, only have a few very good close friends (but its quality, not quantity, right!). Anyway I really want to be able to enjoy my life and to do so I want my confidence back.

I have struggled in the past with depression which i think has led to some of my weight gain, I left home and moved in with my boyfriend 2 years ago since leaving I put on another 3 stone, which is down to my job as a carer not having proper meals / meal times, too many takeaways. I have been conscious of my weight and have tried to keep it under tabs which since the beginning of this year, I have not gained much more than 2-3lb (which is a miracle for me) but now I want to do something about it before I become ill or anything like that, so here I am.

I have just started using XLS Medical so fingers crossed with diet and exercise this will help me start off but I do intend to stick to healthy eating more so than miracle tablets this is just a push in the right direction for the first 10 days!

So look forward to hearing your stories and success' good luck to all! x :)