hello, My name is Cindy :)


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm returning to lowcarbing after some time trying out other ways and realizing that I do better with lower carbs. It really comes to knowing ourselves. No one can dictate what is best for us. I've had an expert nutritionnist insist I incorporate more bread in my daily intake of food. It did not work for me. Bloating and big stomac came back as the pounds too. I experienced it for myself. So I'm back to Atkins Advantage book and doing two weeks induction and slowly doing the steps again. After not even three days, my big belly is feeling better. I found this site, and it will be my way to stay motivated by joining in as regularly as my schedule permits. It comes to being out own best nutritionnist by educating ourselves and experiencing it.
Thanks for welcoming me in. I'll be mostly reading for a while :D
Hi Celine,

I'm the same- bread just gives me tummy pains. Low carbing really makes me feel better in myself, and I've tried lots of other ways of eating. I agree that we're all unique and there can be no 'one size fits all' best model.
I'm being quite relaxed this time around- not obsessively counting carbs or anything, basically meat, fish, eggs, cheese, berries, veg, nuts =good- sugar and starch = bad.
This seems to work for me- I also drink milk as I love it. Good luck on your journey - there's lots of support here :)