Hello, new to low carb, starting today


Hi all. I've played with low carb before but only ever stuck to it for a couple of weeks, even though it worked for me. I lost a lot of weight with LL seven years ago and kept it off for ages. Back on mow though plus a stone so I want to lose 51/2 to 6 stone. Honestly feel really crap about myself at the moment, really hit my confidence. I've got food from Go Lower and am going to supplement with cooking food myself. Really could use some support, OH doesn't understand how hard I find it, thinks its easy and know he'd really like me to lose weight. All help, advise, support welcome. I've given myself until next June to lose it but know that if I don't get results sooner to start with I'll get disheartened and get back in the ongoing debate about which diet to follow x
Good luck - low carb really is a great lifestyle:). Feel free to check out atkins board as well - all low carbers welcome and plenty of people to help plus recipes if you need them:)