

Hi there everyone!

I just have found the minimins app and thought it would be fun to sign up, share experiences, tips etc
Also I unfortunately am a person that needs some motivation when it comes to losing weight.
I'm way too curvy right now and want to slim down to about 120lbs (wishful thinking lol). It's going to be quiet some work, but I really want to stay strong this time and get there so I got a cute little body to show off in summer :)))

Well, that's me in a "diet" nut shell

Have a great and successful day guys!
Aww 120 really is the dream for me too! Im reasonably tall so I figured 130 would be a good start for me!
Good luck!
I'm aiming on 120 because I always have a +/- of a couple of pounds anyways. I'm only 5'3" and currently weigh 155ish, so I figured it's not totally insane. I'd also be happy with 125 or 130, don't get me wrong!!! lol
I follow the "me"-diet lol
I don't cut out anything, because I know I'll end up craving certain things (chocolate!!!!!!! lol) sooner or later and cutting it completely out would be a total disaster. I eat everything, trying to reduce the baddies as much as possible, but I will give in and have a cookie or something when im hungry for it and no I don't feel bad afterwards. I count it towards my cals and if that means something boring for dinner...oh well lol id like to change my eating habits completely...a certain diet would probably give me fast results, but I know I couldn't stick to it forever so I don't even try.
I do have found that a large egg breakfast keeps my hunger down for the whole day, so that's the only thing I religiously follow lol I'll have a slim fast shake or cereal bar here and there when I know dinner will be bigger or we eat in a restaurant on the weekends sometime...that's all I do diet wise. I go to the gym mon - fri and do cardio and some weights as well.

How about you?
I did the "me" diet for a while but it didn't work out haha I tried to keep within a certain amount of calories a day and at the end of the day I would end up with calories to spare lol
I just started the Atkins diet on Saturday and hopefully with some will power and also the gym I'll see good results.