
New Member
Hey all,

So I have my Lipotrim for the week for 4 days now and I cant bring myself to start- i keep giving myself different excuses.... HOW DO I FIND THE MOTIVATION TO JUST DO IT? i know that once i start it i will feel 100 times better so why cant I JUST DO IT.. helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp :mad: :(
Hi Trisheralla! :)

Maybe you could just enjoy your Friday and the weekend and start on the Monday. I always find (when I'm starting anything new) starting on the first day of the week helps me quite a lot as it feels like a fresh start. This also gives you a few days to relax, get it into your head that you ARE going to do it and prepare yourself mentally. Really good luck with whatever you decide to do though. :) You'll find a lot of support here for when you need it too.
Hello Trish....Just ask yourself why you want to lose weight? For me it was all about clothes, for the past 20 years I've been a size 10, I am a complete exercise freak but then 3 years ago I gave up smoking and gained 2 stone! After many 'attempts' I found Lipotrim and it has not been easy but 4 weeks on it and I am now 2lb off my 2 stone and back to my lovely size 10s (well 10/12).

If you are serious about losing weight you will do it, good luck x
I do think with this diet there's no point starting unless you're ready to really be dedicated to it, I wanted to start last week but the idea of the shakes made me feel sick. Yesterday I woke up and was just like "Right I'm doing it." and it was much easier then. Sometimes I find standing in front of a mirror after a shower or taking out all the nice clothes that are too small for me definitely helps. I'm kicking myself for not starting sooner now because I only have 8 weeks to my graduation and thats probably not enough time to lose as much as I wanted to but oh well, I'll just have to try my best!
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