Help me I'm new!!


New Member
Hello there! I started the CD on saturday and although I am doing quite well I have now got a dliema. I have sort of waited until I had a period of time to start this diet when I had no social engagments arranged to attend for a while as I new it would drive me insane not being able to have a drink or eat something nice when out. BUT low and behold my work have arranged for me to go on a short business trip, maybe only 1 night possibly2 but I dont know what I am going to do about the diet. I haven't told my work collegues that I am on it and I think it is going to be impossible to hide it when away.

What do I tell them when they are all going for dinner? No thanks I'm having a shake? do I go with them and try and order some veg and fish and hope that they actually serve broccoli, turnip or cauliflower and that the fish isn''t smothered in sauce. they will all think I'm mad if I start to order weird things to eat!!!

Please help - any ideas are greatly appreciated!


p.s just got a phone call from my docs to say he refused to sign my authorisation form to go on CD as he doesn't like the CD - is this something for me to worry about?
hi jellybaba, well you could go on the business trip and just fall ill (thats usually a very good one and you cant eat etc)

Im not sure about how you mean about the doctor. How did you start cd in the first place without your doctors sig? Do you have any medical conditions/or bmi over 40?

You can always get another doctor to sign it pet.Some of them can be like that.
best of luck
becky xx