help please calling anyone who knows bout atkins


ive been on weight matters for nearly a month now,and have been pleased with my progress,but to be honest im struggling quite a lot at the moment id have been advised by my doctor to try a diet where i can eat(this is due to me suffering from manic depression and in the last few days i have been very down)im wondering if any of you have ever been on atkins,how much you lost and what its really like,any advise would be greatly apreciated,as i dont want to go back to my old ways i still have a great deal to lose........thanks everyone xxxx
I did Atkins for a long long time and it does work.

However, it is still very difficult to eat out anywhere due to needing next-to-no carbs.

What about trying low GI?

Or what about doing Cambridge on the 1000 Plan? That might help.

The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl

Her blog! :cool:

I did Atkins once. In the first two weeks you lower your carb intake to less than 20 grams. After that, you raise it slowly til you reach your CCL (the level of carbs you can eat and still lose weight). After the induction phase of 2 weeks, you reintroduce fruit, and you must eat your salad and vegetables, etc. I would recommend getting the book if you are going to do it, because it really does explain it much better than the traditional 'you eat no carbs' viewpoint. That's not true, and the simple method of doing Atkins doesn't have to be mega high in fat.

Good luck :vibes: