
Hey there,
I started ww back in november and in the 14 weeks iver been there ive lost 19lbs, but i've completly lost my motivation i'm off to boston for the summer and i NEED to be my goal weight which is another 30lbs, what can i do to help me get all motivated again?? i use to be very good i still track but now i've learned to cut out some stuff so i can have snacks! the last 2 weeks i've been very bad but managed to stay at the same weight i just need a massive kick to remotivate me to get to my goal before may 25th! has anyone any tips???? PLEASE

tips on low meals for college during the day and for dinner and for managable low fat snacks aswel
You've done REALLY well losing 19lbs so far. Have a look on the ww food diary section for ideas for lunch and dinner which would work for you. If you have any questions just post in the food diary and the poster will get back to you.

Just keep at it. We all fall off the horse now and then. The main thing is to remember to get back on it. Don't be so hard on yourself. I have a really good ww friendly onion ring recipe on my food diary. xxx