Step 1 Sole Source Help! Support and advice needed


I'm on week 3 (going into week 4) on Sole Source.
I have been 100% sticking to the plan (except I had 2 cans of coke zero (330ml) over the course of the week)
Week 1 I lost 11 and a quarter punds, Week 2 5 and a quarter, Week 3 +1lb
I have been so good.

Has anyone else experienced this? I suffer terrible with fluid retention around the time of my period but I'm not due for 12 days.

Help me someone, please!:cry:
Sometimes the diet does some very random things, just have faith that it will even out and I bet you have a big loss next week. The other thing that I do is weekly measurements, sometimes I may not have a big loss but the inches have gone. Don't get demotivated, this diet cannot fail to work if you are sticking with it.

Could it be the scales were a bit out?
Thanks for your support!

I don't think scales were out- they belong to my consultant and surely other people would have seen similar if there was something up with them.
I'm praying its constipation and water retention.
I used ketostix and I'm definitely in ketosis. Plus I'm constantly freexing cold.
The tape measure said an inch off my bust, a 1/4 inch +on my waist and 1 inch + on my hips.
Surely its water retention/bloating?!
Just can't believe I gained!
I randomly put on 1lb one week too. But then the following week I lost half a stone. So I think it's just the body sorting itself out. You can't physically not lose weight on this diet. The lovely ladies on this website kept me going with words of encouragement, I stuck with it, and the weight came off. So stick with it!!

Thank you!
I am determined to stick with it. The results have been amazing so far.
The strange thing was people have been commenting on my weight loss and last week they were all saying that I'd lost weight from my legs (which is definitely a good thing!)
Thanks for sharing that it happened to you! I have been 100% and I feel so much better after hearing that you have had something similar happen to you.
I'm getting married in November and really really want to be slimmer!


I have heard about a few people on hear that have had the same disappointment. The weight seems to average out over a month, So its roughly 1st a month. Some people loose less some people more.
I think around ovulation time a week or so before my period I start noticing water retention.

The weight will come off, I agree with what the others have said. Try not worry about the numbers too much. Don't get your self down over it. It will all be worth it in the long run.
Thank you!
I'm having some really bad stomach pains today.

Its worth it in the long run though. Averaging a stone in 3 weeks.

My consultant asked me to pop back and get weighed again tomorrow.
I'm going to do that too. Hope I haven't gained any more! :confused:
My lovely consultant asked me to go back today for another weigh in. I am glad to say I was 1.5lbs lighter than Friday. Feeling a bit more positive after that news!