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I've a really bad urinary track infection, my doctors aren't open till Monday and I'm in so much discomfort.
I'm considering reaching for Cranberry juice, does anyone have any alternatives.. cause I don't wanna undo my hard work.. Ouch...
Please help
Oh no. Aren't there drinks you can get from the pharmacist? Our boots chemist is open till midnight every day.
You gotta go with your body tho, get that sorted first and don't worry about allowed lists for now. Hope you feel better soon
Loads of fluids! Your health comes first though. Go to your phamacist in morning, they may be able to prescribe an antibiotic. Go with a sample, they do have the ability to prescribe some things worth asking xxx
Your health comes first. You can't be in pain and discomfort all night, or even weekend. Take what you have to to get better. The diet will be here when you're not. Hope you feel better soon
If it's definitely a UTI you have, then cranberry juice helps buts doesn't clear it. If you have an infection you need antibiotics. If I were you I wouldn't reach for the cranberry juice but maybe go to a walk in centre tomorrow and have your urine tested. If you need antibiotics they will be able to give you a prescription. Mean while staying well hydrated will be the best thing you can do. Horrid I know. Hope it feels better soon xx
drink lots of water. Paracetemol helps with some of the pain. I also find having a hot bath (No bubble bath or soaps!) helps me as I seem prone to UTI's myself. If it gets any worse possibly ring up a walk in clinic if you have one near by.
feel better soon x
Ringing round my family to see if anyone has some antibiotics, I know I'm the first to say don't take anyone elses medication..
But I'm desprated.. I'm gonna have to have some cranberry juice.. I hate that I'm gonna be knocked outta ketosis.. But it has to be done..
I'm in ireland so we don't have any walk in centres.. so this will have to do till monday
Is there not an emergency number you can ring? Or as others have said go speak to pharmacist as they have the ability to give certain things
Just to add to what everyone else has said - keep drinking your fluids.

If you can get to Holland & Barrett (or similar, if they don't have that round your way), pick up some cranberry EXTRACT - it's got the active ingredient that's in cranberry juice, but you dilute it and it's got virtually no sugar in it, unlike regular cranberry or the cystitis sachets.

I had a UTI for about three weeks back in November, so I feel your pain. Try a sitz bath too - run a hot bath so if you sit in it, it comes up to your hips, then dump in a load of bicarbonate of soda into the bath water, get in and sit for about 10 minutes. The bicarb will neutralise the stinging (hopefully). These were my lifesavers when I had it!
Couldn't bare the pain anymore.. went to my cousins chemist that she works in and the pharmasist prescribed me antibiotics..
Just waiting for them to kick in..
I know I should be trying to drink my 3 litres a day, but i'll be happy to get 1 and a half litres into me.. :wave_cry: fingers crossed it goes soon...

Thanks so much everyone for you help..
Oh you poor thing. Hope the antibiotics kick in soon and you start to feel better :)