HELP! What can I take for a horrible cough?


Team 1 all the way!
Hi all,
I am getting over a cold and sore throat which this evening, after a day of being fine, has developed in to a tickly, dry cough. I literally cannot stop coughing!

I am going to Dancing on Ice tomorrow night, to be in the audience and they will throw me out if I am coughing like this!

Is there anything I can take?
Will cough sweets knock me out of ketosis?
I really don't want to take anything that will make me have a set back as I'm doing so well and just want to lose weight!

Stupid stupid cough!!!:cry:
I took Robitussin which is a cough medicine for diabetics with no problems. Hope you feel better.

Get well soon catssseyes, enjoy the show.
Porgeous, how many dresses do you own? lol!! x (you look fab)