

Full Member
Will having a bit of chicken and salad tonight affect my weight loss tomorrow?
I just feel like I need something to eat x
That is allowed on SS+ so u will be fine, hav a large glass of water too :)
The only thing is I only do ss I weighed myself Thursday and hadn't lost a thing and I am just thinking that if I eat this it will make it worse x
Then don't eat it :)

Only you know what's right for you, have a shake or a soup instead
Stop urself right now!!!! Crisps will take you out of ketosis, chicken & green salad won't, if u REALLY need to eat, make wise choices!!!

Come on, stick with it, don't waste all of the effort you hav already put in :)
Thank u well it was only four and iv had 2 pints of water god knows what I thinking.
How long have u been doing Cambridge ?
I am a re starter, :) so defo know how hard it is :) well done for getting back in control
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Thanks - you too :)