here i go :) time to get this weight off once n for all :)


Full Member
ok so my names laura! years of toying with diff diets - i started out at 17 and half stone, now im 12- and aiming for 9 stone , im 27 got 2 children n need to keep the weight off this time for good, no way am i going bk to being depressed because of my weight! im doing sw from home n hoping this time ill be able to stick to it :) please feel free to comment on my posts xx

so day 1- extra easy- wednesday!

breakfast- x3 ryvitas( heb) with jam (5syns)
activia 0% youghurt ( free) banana( free)

lunch- spagetti,
chicken breast
peppers( SF)
pickled onions( SF)
beetroot( SF)

Tea- Mugshot
- apple( SF)
- orange (SF)

Snacks- pink n white ( 2.5 syns)
- grapes

syns today 7.5