Here we go


Fresh start
Hi everyone. Haven't been around for a bit. As some of you know I haven't been well since coming back from my hols in April. I tried restarting when I was well and it went nowhere so gave up after 2 days. After going back and forth to the doctors and hospitals I was told not to follow a tfvd until well enough. I haven't been given the all clear yet but this weekend I did some decorating and it really helped. My next appointment isnt until Friday so I want to take control and start back today. Otherwise I will eat all week and start next Monday!! The good news is that I have maintained so there is hope that you can loose on s&s and keep it off. I love this diet. It works. Its easy and more importantly you guys help. I couldn't do it without you. In a upset rage I deleted my fitness pal so will be reinstalling. I'm back 100% and my new body will make me feel great and help me get over the last couple months!!!

Curvy_em xx
Well done on maintaining. Good to know it is possible