Here's to summer

Soon2B wii mii

Full Member
Well I've got a cupboard full of Diet Chef and Exante products. I've tried to get back on the Exante train several times over the last few months without success so I've now decided its time for Diet Chef again. Diet Chef allows me to add 400 cals so I've decided that 200 of those will come from using up my Exante products before they go out of date.
11st 11.8lbs.........
Down to 11st 7lb, bit disappointed but not giving up. Hoping for more next week.
Diet chef food is delivered in packs. They provide 800 calories which you supplement up to 1200 cals using rice, pasta, veg, fruit, yogurt etc.
Scrub that, just realised I've lost 4.6lb not 1.6lb as I thought! Feeling much better now.
well done xxx
Still here, putting in the effort to be slim by summer. In an effort to boost my losses and tone up at the same time I've bought EA active 2 for the wii. I've done 2 workouts and my muscles are killing me, but never mind, I'll soldier on. There's a 9 week program exercising 4 days a week so only another 34 workouts to go!!
Well I've had a bad couple of days, I can't stop eating crap aargh.....
Still keeping on with the exercise and quite enjoying it. Must get my eating reined in again if I want to see the losses on the scales.